Non LAGGY or OP Jump Speed

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Every one want jump speed right?

    Non LAGGY or OP Jump Speed:

    lets say we got a jump speed engine, you build your ship with them.

    the larger ship the more you nead

    it uses power but while you are in jump speed the power generators cant run...

    in starmade there is a power tank witch have no use at the moment more than storing power.

    you charge up the tanks and press a key in the core and enter a sector x,y,z to start jump speed it will charge the engines 1%..2%...5%...

    when its fully charged 100% every thing exept the ship will stop rendering and the ship drives realy fast forwards traugh every thing untill the power is out or your on the correct sector ant start rendering every thing again.

    im a coder my self and culd see some problems with it

    1. players in a ship entering warp drive.

    2. may lagg exiting warp drive

    3. not exiting warp drive inside a planet (Error colisson check code)

    Show suport
    Sep 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Leaves behind a small mark to say where you went in the nav - not too OP, say it stays there for about 2-3 minutes. Long enough that someone right on your tail can still follow you, but if they\'re off the mark, too bad.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Maybe it could leave a faint line of particles between your starting point and where you end up rather than a sign with the co-ords of where you went on it. There should also be some kind of penalty for running out of power and stopping halfway through a planet (would also happen if you warped into a sector containing a planet) similiar to how a ship cannot enter warp if it is in orbit around a planet in Startrek. Passing through a sun should also have some kind of consiquence such as sending you off course.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Great idea...though it might be a bit unbalanced, especially in capital ship fights. Maybe make that instead of it completely stopping your energy supply, it takes a certain amount proportional to ship size(or acceleration-mass ratio) similar to how cloakers work. Else, if you activate the jump drive and get attacked, you would loose your energy very quickly trying to dodge bullets and recharging shields. If it would charge for 20 seconds, you would be out of energy very quickly and adding to the damage that was previously done in battle and the energy you used for shooting, You would be a sitting duck most of the time.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    It could teleport you to an empty space with some fancy warp animation while you are in warp, outside of the universe (it would make a new instance of it for every ship that goes into warp). Then it will tp you back after x seconds (calculated from the distance) to your destination.

    It would basically just be the same as despawning a ship at x,y,z and spawning it again at a,b,c, a bit like teleport with some time inbetween based on the distance.

    Obviously, there isn\'t really a way around the stop/start rendering thing, it HAS to render the ship at some point. For others it would be the same as a new large ship entering the sector, so that\'s not really an issue limited to the warp idea only.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    florrible might be right, but what would also be interesting is if you\'d have separate powergenration for systems. also if inbetween entering and exicting warp you should have a simple warp animation runing to make it look nice.

    at any case i seport the idear of fast travel through the universe.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    man storage blocks are useful what are you talking about