Newbie here with a few weird bugs

    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi, I've been playing for a few hours today, just stuffing around and I noticed a few weird bugs, was wondering if anyone had any solutions yet, or if these are new bugs being reported.

    1 - I can't seem to go near planets. I can see them clearly off in the distance but it takes ages to get to them (I also get graphical issue where the UI and all blocks in my view dissapear and cut back in again), and when I do, what was previously a spherical disk like structure has become a solid colour (most often yellow, blue or red) and when I fly near it, it dissapears about 800 metres out.

    2 - Sometimes when exiting from flight or build mode on my ship, I'll be somewhere random. Sometimes it is close by (withing 50 metres) sometimes it is almost 300 - 500 metres away. It happens both when I have very little room to spawn and when I have a great deal of room.

    3 - I don't know if this is a real bug, or just something weird with my computer, but I have never seen any pirates, or any other shops. I got bored once and shot continously at the shop at spawn, which said it would send a fleet at me, and nothing happened.

    I hope there are solutions, and if not, I hope I've brought to lights unkown bugs.

    Awesome game, keep up the great work mate.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    1: I don\'t know, sorry.

    2: I have the exact same problem.

    3: Lucky you for not seeing pirates, half my ship got taken out by some pirates...
    Feb 23, 2013
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    1. If you kept on going, you would have hit the planet. the planet dissapears because you have gone close enough to the planet that it then decides to start loading the blocks, which is why it dissapears. If you proceed on your course, you will eventually see the planet loading up before you, or your face will be in the ground already.

    2. It is a common bug, Schema is currently working to fix the algoritham that is causing this problem. He has been working on this for quiet a while, so it will be fixed sometime hopefully possibly soon!

    3. Also another bug, I\'m pretty sure it ties into the new entity spawn mechanic we got. I\'m not certain though. Same thing happened to me on the NASS server when i was derping around.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    If you aren\'t seeing any AI, you might want to check the server.cfg file (I think), there should be something relating to AI there. Its in the main starmade folder.

    Anton, the mouse doesn\'t work if Caps lock is on.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Okay, I kept on going (had to go through the things about 5 times) and it finally loaded, but when I got warped to the other side of the planetoid randomly, 3 pirates came and destroyed my ship.

    So that\'s two bugs down, one to go.

    I loved that little ship, oh well, I\'m going to build a massive one and crush them (what\'s the bet I don\'t encounter anything again?)
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hey guys OP here.

    The bug where I get put in a random spot when exiting flight mode seems to be tied to where I was when I last used the gravity device.

    Hope this helps fix the bug