New Wormholes

    Oct 16, 2013
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    I had an idea for wormholes while watching the second most recent star trek, where they're blasting the hell out of the Romulan ship as it slowly sinks into the black hole.

    I was thinking that wormholes would split the ship into two identical entities(Or basically, a copy would be built on the other side) and that copy is built as the other copy is destroyed by the wormhole and in the same block sequence as the blocks being "destroyed" by the wormhole. Players and non-block entities would simply teleport through relative to their current position in relation to the ship(If they have alignment/gravity on. If not they just get tossed randomly into space in the general area) and when chests are destroyed by this method the items are transferred to the corresponding chest created on the other side.

    As well, it would be cool if there were black holes that sucked in ships and spat them out as hundreds of destroyed fragments.

    I would also like to promote the now very well backed idea of pieces of the ship falling off when no block connections are available. REPRESENT!
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    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    There would be no point in duplicating and it would be a major drag on the games engine.