New Weapon Mechanic Idea

    Oct 9, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen

    at first sry for my bad english. I will repeat my idea in german and hope that anyone help me to correct my mistakes ;) .

    Now the idea:

    At the moment it makes no difference how weapon blocks are linked. That mean you can build them as a block or as a long line or as something else.

    I think that it would be cool if it would make a difference how you build a gun. That means that you have more to think about how you place the blocks and not how many blocks you want to use.

    My idea would be that the first line blocks represents the calliber of the gun and make the damage higher but lowers the speed and the firerate of the gun. All blocks which are behind the first line of blocks are the barrel of the gun and higher the damage, speed, and range (but not so much as the calliber) (if the calliber has only one block all of the barrel blocks have to be directly behind them). At least all other blocks which are linked with the gun are the reload mechnism and higher the reload speed.

    My second idea is that the calliber of the gun interacts with the armor of blocks behind the block which is hitten by the gun. That means if the calliber is 2 blocks and the gun hits a block which have 3 blocks behind than lowers the armor of the two blocks behind it the damage too.


    Meine Idee ist das die erste Reihe der Blöcke die Mündung ist, also umso mehr Blöcke um so größer ist das Kalliber, diese Blöcke erhöhen den Damage, aber senken die Geschwindigkeit des Geschosses und die Nachladerate. Alle Blöcke die in einer Line dahinter sind (wie das Rohr einer echten kanone) erhöhen die Geschwindigkeit, Schaden und Reichweite der Kanone. Alle anderen mit der Kanone verbundenen Blöcke würden dann den Nachlademechanismus repräsentieren und die Feuerrate steigern.

    Meine zweite Idee ist, dass das Kalliber der Kanone dafür sorgt, dass das Geschoss mit der Panzerung der Blöcke hinter dem getroffenen Block reagiert. Was soviel heißt wie das ein Geschoss das eine 4 Block dicke Wand trifft und das Kalliber der Kanone 2 Blöcke beträgt, durch die Panzerung der ersten 3 Blöcke, weniger Schaden macht.

    I hope that anyone understand my idea and sry for my bad english again :/ .
    Sep 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    There was a very similar idea here last week, here it is

    But both these ideas look very good.