New ideas

    Aug 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    I dont know if these have been suggested allready, i couldnt find them however. But what about a defence pack idea. where if you are in a faction, and you are allyed with someone. Your could send them a defence pack treaty. Which would make it so that if either faction is attacked any allys that are in a defence pack are automaticly at war aswell.

    This would make servers far more fun as there would be server wide wars instead of just small raiding partys.

    Another idea i have had is to have the docking modules/turrets module to have 2 options for their direction, one for which side they are facing for the ship to be docked, and another under that, for which direction the ship will be facing when docked, this would mean that you could make turrets far easier, and when making stations if you docked a ship under the station, it would be facing the wrong way (although upside down, being upside down and backwards seems horrible)