New game mode! Sandbox Mode! Get creative with your ships with little to no effort!

    Jul 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So you had an idea for a massive ship, and want to enter it into the weekly ship contest. But... You have no money. You're not good at fighting, but your very creative. So you want to get money easily without fighting. You can A, spend hours harvesting meteors and planets, or B, fight. You really just want to build a ship, so we should have something similar to the Minecraft creative mode. Or Sandbox Mode. You have infinite money to buy everything you need, and the shops never run out of stuff. But to make sure that you do t bring a massive ship into multiplayer, sandbox mode should only be on single player. You can't get an insane amount of money on your file because its a different mode designed for simply building. It will not at all effect your other games. The ships will even be saved on a different folder from the non creative ships that can't be accessed outside of creative to insure that you can't spawn an insanely powerful ship and completely obliterate other factions. You can however build to your hearts (and your computers) extent and devour enemy pirates. But as I said. No multiplayer so no one builds giant ships that crash other games, and no survival spawning of sandbox ships to avoid an OP player in multiplayer. It is simply for letting players get creative with their ships.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Right now it actually IS easy enough to get more parts then you ever need for building whatnot. On servers that allow blueprints, spawn one and harvest it (making money is very very easy). Otherwise, learn and abuse the factory system a bit. If all else fails, look up admin commands (specifically the /giveid one), and use them in single player to spawn giant stacks of the parts you need.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I honestly thought this thread\'s title was a sarcastic remark to the current situation :P

    But dude above is correct, easy enough to get money atm with defaults, and the game-mode itself is actually called sandbox already (maybe because of that).
    Jul 5, 2013
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    Seems like it\'d be useless to me; you can already get infinite of anything you want using /give in singleplayer (or if you want to buy lots of pre-made ships, /give_credits), and saving in a different folder would be easily circumvented via copy/paste, and simply saving to a different filetype would either mean A) it uses a completely different method of opening/saving \'creative mode\' ships, which would be way too hard to do, or B) its the same one renamed, in which case it is easily circumvented by changing the file extention, or C) creative ships would have a tag coded in to say it\'s \"creative\" and not \"survival\", which also wouldn\'t be difficult to circumvent if it\'s ever possible to open up ship files in external editors.

    Besides, it would suck if I had to build my massive battleship (battleship by EVE\'s standards for size) in a creative mode, just to not be able to use it on a faction war \'survival mode\' server.

    My 2¢
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I think they want something like MC\'s NEI for easy access and not using the wiki for item IDs.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    What\'s the point of this suggestion?? I mean, use the admin commands man, \" /giveid yourplayername itemid quantity\" then build with whatever you want to build with!

    How about a big ball of lava with shields? XD

    Everything you need in the link above.