New Block: Transporter

    Jun 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Community Content - Silver 1
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    This is an alternate way of transitioning between structures.

    Implementation level 1: If you hit "R" on the block you are given a zoomable cockpit-like view outside the ship. You can look around, but can't maneuver the vessel. You have one tool that allows you to fire the transporter beam. By default, the system then executes a /jump on the player, so they materialize at the point of beam impact.

    Implementation level 2: Make the block directional like a docking block to define a 3x3 reception cube that must be kept clear for the transporter to receive. A second block type "Transporter Target" is associated with the transporter as a control block. I guess you wouldn't even need a second block type, if you allowed arbitrary blocks like "hull" to be associated... or even if you only allowed 1 transporter per structure, so the whole structure could be a reception target. If the transporter target is hit by the beam, instead of "/jump"ing, the player materializes in the reception cube of the transporter block.

    This way you wouldn't have to dock, shuttle or space-walk to move from your ship to the station, or from your ship to the planet and back. Add a transporter room to your ship, and a transporter target on your hull. Beam to the planet, set up a mining outpost, including a transporter room and receiver target. activate the transporter, target your ship which (hopefully) is still above the planet. Zoom in on your transporter target on the hull, and bzap! You are back aboard.

    Server settable: By default, transport reception is limited to structures of the same faction or structures that are unshielded. These can be modified in the settings.