Need help with making my ship

    Oct 24, 2013
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    ok the idea i want to make is a ship that can carry up to 5 drone fighter ships but im not sure what i do first do i build a drone then fit it onto a docking pad and start there? or do i just make the main ship then do the drones also is there anyway to dock a ship without the core showing?
    Aug 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    do you want efficient or pretty, if you want it to do it\'s job and damn the looks then go for a simple block and dock the drones to the sides/top/bottom.

    however if you want it to have anything resembling a pleasant asthetic you should design one then the other and modify the carrier to fit the drone.

    yes, docking modules on the parent ship don\'t require to be in contact with the core of the docked ship (turret docking modules do, but this allows the docked ship to act as a turret)

    my previous project was a frigate mounting 4 turrets and 2 externally mounted drone fighters, however it wasnt very well put together or flown and got torn apart by the local pirate base

    i\'m not sure how ai-drones will react to an enclosed hanger so haven\'t tried it yet