Navigating in 3d Space

    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    So One of the first things I noticed in starmade when I started playing it was how disorientating true 3D space is, Now no hate to the creators for not being able to solve this since 3d space is naturally confusing to humans since we only navigate in really 2 dimensions. One of the major factors of this confusion is not knowing which direction you are facing in respect to everything else. And that is really the important factor about navigation in general, which is where you are (position, heading, speed) relative to the destination or target. Im aware of the features built in to the game to help pilots get there bearing like the radial icon map thing and the auto orientate button which are great ideas and I feel like they are steps in the right direction. Now I am no expert in this feild but I have put some thought into it and have come up with some simple (atleast in my mind) solutions to this problem of 3d navigation in respects to starmade. they are as follows:

    1) changing the color of the sector indicator icons.

    The Reason for this is that when you are trying get used to using the sector system of finding out where you are, you end up having some struggle distinguishing whats the sector icon and such in the assortment of icons in that radial display or atleast in my experience.

    2) Adding Airplane Style Orientation lines on to the hud.

    I feel this will help with the difficulty of getting ones orientation in space ecspecially after manuevers and combat, Also atleast in my opnion will look cool and futuristic like. an example of what im talking about can be found here the series of parallel lines at an angle to the right would indicate the level of universal/system based X plane and your personal X plane's relation/orientation to it, and if you look closely you can see little lines comming of the previously mentioned X plane lines that could be used to indicate a users relation to the Y plane. a possible solution for representing the user in relation to the Z plane could possibly a horizontal scroll bar indicating most likely numerically there orientation via that plane.

    3) Adding Directional Sector Change Signs

    This one can be used independantly or in combination with the fighter style hud. Effectively depending on the direction you are currently facing (not neccesarily moving) there would be 3 inidcators that would indicate if you are facing in a positive or negative direction in respects to sector numbering. Best location for these would be below the current sector information possibly in different colored text to help distinguish. This will help pilots save time trying to find which sector icon or icons they need to head towards to reach their target sector.

    Im aware you guys are busy trying to fix bugs, implementing other features and dealing with a bunch of other people harassing you wanting green antimatter lasers instead of white, but hopefully you guys read this and see something you like if not oh well. Also Im aware of your guy's attempt at keeping the ui minimilistic which I am entirely behind.

    For non Devs reading this maybe you guys know of some other ways to help pilots navigate 3D space like I said im not an expert on this and there might be some better ways of doing this.

    TLDR Space is confusing how can we make it less so