My various ideas.

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Ok, so, these are all of my current ideas for starmade. As you read through them you'll probably notice that a lot of them are focused around enhancing an exploration aspect in the game, so here we go.

    1: My very first idea is for planets to be much more diverse. By this I mean things such as different gravity levels, different atmospheres, once "breathing" is introduced, and... aliens?

    2: A scanner beam: By this I mean some sort of beam that functions as a weapon that gives you data about what you use it on, the three possible things to use it on being planets, ships, and space stations. When used on planets, data would include all the things mentioned in my first idea, as well as materials on the planet. When used on ships, it would give current power level, each of the weapons it has, and it's current speed. When used on stations, it would give the size... (please add more to that, since that's all I've got). The size of the weapon bank would increase the range of the beam, and the speed in which you would recieve the data after firing the beam.

    3: Ok, I think I'm obliged to put this on a suggestion forum, since it's all that seems to be on here: Some sort of handheld weapon, be it laser gun, or lightsaber thingy ding. I don't know.

    4: Better AI. Nuff said

    5: I think it would be cool if they made it so that the further you went from 0, 0, 0 the more difficult enemies get, the more advanced ores you find, and so on and so forth.

    6: Next, a giant death ray. I think the game really needs a beam that actually does damage, however, this could be unique for a couple of reasons. First, instead of being able to fire with just a single block, it would need at least a 3x3x3 cube to fire at all. As you can see, it would be pretty big, probably only for massive flagships and space stations. Also, this means that the beam itself could be huge. Next, a charge time and recharge time. The beam would need to charge up for a few seconds before firing (firing meaning left clicking). Also, after done firing, it would have an extensive recharge time, as present with antimatter cannons and missiles. Also, once fired, the ray could not be re-aimed until done firing. Plus, the beam should draw power ridiculously fast, aaaaaand, should need a multi-block "core" setup instead of a computer in order to be able to fire. My potential name for it is the Overburn Ray.

    7: Last but not least, FTL/Hyperdrive. Hyperdrive would be accessed through the weapons menu, and consist of a Hyperdrive Booster, and Hyperspace thrusters (Hyperspace thrusters having the same setup properties as the HyperFlux Coil Thruster, minus the dependence on the Booster (Hyperdrive's equivilent of a weapons computer)). Like the Overburn Ray, Hyperdrive should have both a charge time and recharge time, and also a high power draining speed. My proposed speed is roughly 2 sectors per second.
    Jul 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Did you even bother to read the other posts and the locked post that tells you to read it before making a suggestion

    > Last but not least, FTL/Hyperdrive

    I don\'t remember how many times this was suggested

    > Better AI. Nuff said

    Also suggested countless times

    > Some sort of handheld weapon

    Already suggested
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    8: Launch Thrusters: A special type of thruster designed to specifically work to get you off a planet (Would be passive)

    9: I think it would be just more convinient if singleplayer was not server based

    10: I think it could be interesting if the spawn was on a planet instead of by a shop (Especially once breathing/limited time out of a spaceship in space is introduced)