My suggestions so far

    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Dear star made,

    I started playing this game yesterday and have already maxed out on money.

    Never the less I still enjoy it but here are my suggestions that I thought of so far.

    - It would be nice if there was a shield status indicator while in flight mode

    - pirates should carry loot according to their difficulty and especially pirate space stations should either get harder or have less loot. Cuz all I had to do was stack some shields and they couldn’t out hit it even when I was being hit by more than 5 of the turrets

    - maybe the pirate space station should have some fighters in their surroundings to jump in or at least escort the station and ofc players will have to take them out first but it will make it a little harder to do.

    - I have no idea if it’s easy but maybe its nice if the pirates that fly the standard ship would get a little smarter and if they see me fly a ship with 30.000 shield and a gun that does 200 dmg and shoots 100x a second that they try to run away.

    -and the map doesn’t make any sense to me so far

    - the tutorial could be a little more explanatory about the way the power work as in creating a L shape or a 3legs instead of a cube so people start thinking about that straight away or at least give a small info about it in the tutorial and maybe more in an advance tutorial?

    -also it’s not clear to me if there is need for me to make thrusters that thrust another way so I can turn fast or if u can just spam them at the back and that would be enough?

    -also when u make a gun on the side of your ship (like far out on the side) then it becomes really hard to hit your target maybe and extra indicator for the gun where it’s aiming when u installed it ( so an extra circle next to ur + on the screen or something)

    These are my suggestions so far. I haven’t really been making factories and space stations so...

    To be Continued...
    Jun 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    a small thing but a seperate folder for screenshots? cuz now the go into the map /:c/starmade

    just a small thing to make them go into /starmade/screenshots/ :)