My Suggestions for the game

    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Being able to name planets
    • nebulas (clouds of dust filled with raw materials)
    • way to collect nebulas
    • set max speed at 185,999 mi/sec that's 99% the speed of light
    • have a hyper jumps it should take lots power and should sometimes send you somewhere random (for fun)
    • have faction hyper gates to immediately jump to your faction. should be able to buy it in a store and is more accurate than normal hyper jump
    • tractor beams (for fleeing ships)
    • a machine that can suck materials from stars (stars said to becoming in the next update)
    • actual solar systems not just random planets
    • black holes (coming in future update) should hyper jump you but it take no power to jump but is totally random
    • Ownership to ships so someone can,t hijack it or immediately salvage it the second you step out of it
    • a gyroscope so you can tell if you're upside down
    • ways for players to board ships and attack it from the inside
    • laser guns
    • be able to sync salvage cannons to chests

    that's all i got comment what you think.
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like all of them except the hijack part, there has to be some sort of control for that, to prevent griefers.

    Otherwise great. Thumbs up from me.