My List of improvements: Trading, Shops, Bobby, Waypoint

    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Trading ships

    My thoughts is that it should work as it do now, but with a player being able to set a price of the ship. Something like ( #Resource_Price + #PlayersSelectedPrice ).

    The current setup enables a workaround for the shops stock limit, were a player can make a cube of for example Thrusters, upload it and buy it at the nearest shop. Then you have potential unlimited resources if only you have the money. This is bad because i love that feature. I would love it even more if the below tweaks are implemented :)

    Current Shops Improvements

    This idea that MrNo came with Here were quite awesome. I would love to see that implemented (Just promoting :D).

    That combined with some kind of bigger shops, with higher stocks and more stable prices and some smaller, local shops with smaller stock.

    Shop - Block

    The above opens up for the opportunity to make your own shops, were you could make an AI choose the price, with some settings like doing something with the price a shop in this place would normally have - 5 percent for making your shop a little cheaper.

    This could be done using a line with a calculation with some variables like
    Price a NPC controlled shop at this place would have = #NpcShopPrice

    ID of other shops price = #ID[Insert ID here] (Then every shop will get an ID. That item would then be deactivated if that shop's price is not retrieveable for some reason)

    (Feel free to add more if you have something in your thoughts)

    Then i could write "#NpcShopPrice*0,95" and make my price a bit cheaper. I could also just write "2" and set the price at 2 without something Changing it.

    My price should not affect the NPC's prices as this would be too easy to affect the price of the shops.

    The stock limit of the shop should be chosen by me AND wouldn't go over the size of the storage.

    Storage in my own shop(s)

    The shop should have some kind of inbuilt storage. Then i could connect some PlexStorages to join this shop. This shouldn't affect the PlexStorage other than a notice when opening the storage that says that this is connected to the shop.

    I don't know if you already can drop credits in the storage but i think the credits, got from selling to players/given to other players when they sell things to me. At the same time i would like to have a global catalog where someone could pay to get into and promote their shop and their prices. Then other players could see your price and would travel to you to buy/sell

    In connection to this i would like to be able to send a Bobby AI to travel from one of my shops to another and balancing the stock.

    Global Catalog

    I would like to see a Global Catalog where the popular NPC shops are in and where single players could pay to get into and promote their shops. This should be something like 200 credits for every item in the shop and should be taken every time the catalog updates.

    The catalog should not be realtime. This reduces the opportunity to make money when travelling from one shop to another with items. This is still possible, but are a little harder when the catalog is only updated every 30 minutes or 10 minutes or whatever is appropiate.

    BOBBY AI improvement

    As written above i would like to be able to send the AI from shop to another. Also i would like to be able to make him travel to a certain sector and at a certain time. Like 15 minutes from now, travel to Station "WobbleMaster2" or travel between 2 stations and balance the stock in some storages. I don't have any ideas to how BOBBY should interact with the storage but it could be nice.

    Along with travel to a ship should be some kind of guarding, like Guard sector 1,2,3 and 2,2,3 and 2,3,3 and 1,1,3 with speed 10, Then he should go to center of each sector, and avoid asteroids with 10 km/t and go to the next sector.

    Waypoint improvements

    I don't like that the waypoints point to the sector nearest the target. This gives complications when travelling with big ships with slow turning speeds. Just calculate the point where i should go and then i would point my ship at it and just travel with max speed the whole way. I know this gives problems, because the sectors rotate, but at least give me some pointer to where i should go, and don't let it vary about 90 degrees every 2000m :)

    At last, when editing this i accidentally hit a link i were inserting and all my work was gone. Make a popup box that says "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO LEAVE THIS SITE? - ALL YOU WORK WILL BE GONE" or something, to warn me :)

    EDIT: The site for some reason don't like headers. I have several headers done with h1 in this post, but none of them shows up