Multiple Suggestions Thread

    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Multiple Types of Lasers: While lasers, now, as default, then you can buy different types of AMC cannons, or even different types of cannons, and they shoot different colors. The effect they have is basically more damage and less reload, or more distance and less speed, etc. I know you can edit these in the Weapons gui, but this would be a lot easier.

    For you to make either a BOBBY AI seperated tutorial, or for you to make a video on it.

    An Infinite Resources Sandbox Mode. (creative mode)

    Starburst: A short burst of very high speed (5k thrust for 1 second)? However, it should damage your ship in some way and take a lot of power.

    Improvement to SD pc1.3 Power Tank: Hold 20x as much as it does. I have a ship that generates 30k+ power a second and the max power is 20k still, come on.

    Shield Draining Beam: beam that drains shields.

    Autopilot: Be able to put in a waypoint, and put on autopilot to make your ship go to that sector and then stop. Could also be an additional option to BOBBY AI.

    Shops: Shops could slowly restock over time. You could be able to actually buy a shop (either the naturally generating one, or a block that operates as one) for your faction, that only your faction can buy from, and then build onto it.
    Sep 21, 2012
    Reaction score
    Shield Draining Beam: beam that drains shields.

    Ehm... Energy Drain Beam?