Multiple Block ideas

    Jul 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi been playing on and off for a while and have some suggestions.

    Auto pilot (advanced and basic)
    The advanced version would allow you to type the coords into it and then would fly you to that location, would be on the ai section and need the bobby ai to function.

    The basic version would need the coords entered into it directly, it would then sit idle untill what ever its a part of is undocked, it would then fly straight for the coords entered with no ability to stop it. (this would of course be the cheaper of the two)

    Reasons for the suggestions:
    an auto pilot is a very needed device, but why the basic one? well i can think of two uses straight away,
    1) an escape pod, need to get away from a fight, switch to the pod and detach and your winging your way home.
    2) cargo pod, so you have looted a pirates base and you want to send stuff home but dont want to go home yet, load up the cargo pod and detach it, the basic autopilot will whisk your goods off home for you.

    extra plus: the trade ships fly about between stations so the code for npc navigation must already exist?

    Inertia dampeners/rcs system
    Ok so at the moment servers can choose the rate of dampening but that means all players are lumbered with this, now some players like the ability to drift endlessly and others would prefer a more controlled flight (specialy in dog fights) adding rcs or inertia dampeners would return the balance to the players, that way if you want to glide you simply dont add them to your ship.

    pros, again the code must already exist to change the inertia as its in the options :)
    having the chance of losing the dampeners mid combat will add a further challenge in the game, as your ship fails to handle quite how your used too

    cons, ships premade with out dampeners would all of a sudden handle quite wierdly ... but thats a minor con
    some server owners may wish to enforce the flight model, a config option to disable blocks i believe already exists though

    I know this is not minecraft but signs are needed, i dont think i need to list why.

    automated message bouy:

    When in range of a bouy, it would send a chat message to the player that can be set in the bouys gui. this would be helpful for server admins, and shop owners, also think of it combined with the basic autopilot above, as someones escape pod flys past a player they see "MAYDAY This is the escape pod of the Ignavus I am heading for 2,2,2" or even "PANCAKEDAY Please stay away from this escape pod or we will be forced to suffer your attack as were unarmed" ....ok you get the idea

    pros:see above, could be very versitile

    cons: could be used to spam (to counter limit the length of the message, have it only boradcast once to each new person unless the message is changed)

    Transportation tubes

    we all know the agro it is to deal with plex storage units,having a tube that will draw from any attached storage and place into any other storage would help no end. just think buildcraft pipes but more basic and you got the idea.

    Pros the code exists for extracting contents of one device into another as its there with factory input units.

    cons. might be impossible to add sorting etc so would be very basic

    sideways plex lift

    would be handy to make turbo lift style designs,

    thanks for taking the time to read my suggestions
    Aug 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    all valid ideas i think a autopilot is better than a warp block, warping would make the game too easy
    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    All good ideas but the signs won\'t work that well. Some players don\'t even read the chat. I have a suggestion a hologram system that when you point at the ship it displays a message on your HUD saying what you typed in the hologram. An advanced version could specify which blocks displayed the message. This would work better than signs or auto message displayers. You could use this to make a shop even.
    Jul 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    simple signs would be handy, holograms would be cool too but would prefer them to be seperate, labeling storage areas would be better with simple signs :)