Multiple Anti-Anti-Gravitational Fields

    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Currently, I am working on my luxury flagship for the Cartographer Corps, the SEV-A_CARION, and a feature occured to me that seemed pretty clever, and would help a lot in larger builds such as stations and cruisers.

    Well, I tried it out, and it didn't work. The idea was that, depending on the orientation of different gravity units, the gravity would act in the direction that it's arrows pointed, meaning I could switch the direction I fell, by exiting and reentering gravity using a different unit. Im sure it's not top priority, but it would be an awesome feature that I would love in the game, and I'm sure others would as well.

    Thank you, and I hope that this leads to some coding inspiration :D

    ~Bronysins, a faithful player

    Edit: Here are some screenshots of my flagship (It's oddly shaped, I know) so that you can see where both fields differ.,1rFY1pZ,BwEajg7,fXmcPY8,94zqk4E,OzHlpaV,TBGjivM,taWy4PN#0

    It's an 8 screenshot pack

    Also, another suggestion is to allow for the alternate facings of terrain.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I too would like these, the closest I\'ve had so far that \"mimiced\" that was our vertical landings pads for our asteroid space station. Large pads pans on the asteroid, and are so the ships are parked vertically. Exiting the ship while being in its gravitation feild means we exit and can walks on the pad, and even on some of the asteroid as long as we remain in range of the ship\'s effect. The catwalks and structures extend to a \"juncture\" room, which has catwalks coming from different and gravitionally different angles (which makes for a real interesting feeling when walking in the rmostly glass room. Most ships\'s reach so far end around this point, at which players are left hanging. That\'s why in this room, we have a gravity unit, which act as \"Rock\'s gravity\". The rest of the docking station and shuttles are built to match that gravity orientation, and make for awesome landing-exiting sequences. After the last update our \"gravity switch\" doesn\'t work anymore unless you\'ve effectively exited the ship\'s range beforehand, which makes it a little less practical.

    The amount of design and customisation your suggestion would bring is really great. It can\'t be harder than aligning the gravity with the ship\'s bottom on a 360° angle after all, right?

    Really looking forward to such a feature,