my suggestion is to add the ability to make multiple symmetry plane on each axis. this would make it a lot easier to make things on both sides of ships symmetrical. on example is if you want to add nacelles to each side of your ship. you would use the red sym plane down the centre of your ship. say you want the nacelles to be symmetrical you would use the red sym plane down the centre of the nacelle. but you can’t. because you can’t set the red sym plane more than once you have to manually do one of the sym plane. this can be a pain to do particularly with big things.
my suggestion is to have 2 of each sym plane. a primary and a secondary. the primary would be the same as the one we have now. the secondary would only be usable when the primary is placed so removing the primary would remove the secondary.
-----secondary sym---------------------primary sym-----------------------secondary sym
when there is no secondary sym plane the primary acts like it dose now.
the secondary sym plane is mirrored across the primary so there are 2 secondary plane visible. when a block is placed it mirrors it across the closest secondary axis first then both blocks are mirrored across the primary. (see image). this would be for all 3 sym plane.
i would love to get the communities thoughts on this as well as the devs comments on programability (Bench).
my suggestion is to have 2 of each sym plane. a primary and a secondary. the primary would be the same as the one we have now. the secondary would only be usable when the primary is placed so removing the primary would remove the secondary.
-----secondary sym---------------------primary sym-----------------------secondary sym

when there is no secondary sym plane the primary acts like it dose now.
the secondary sym plane is mirrored across the primary so there are 2 secondary plane visible. when a block is placed it mirrors it across the closest secondary axis first then both blocks are mirrored across the primary. (see image). this would be for all 3 sym plane.
i would love to get the communities thoughts on this as well as the devs comments on programability (Bench).
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