multi-block modules

    Jul 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    Multi block systems could be used for a much greater output then the average arrays we have now. Perhaps one could dramatically increase the speed of weapons by putting rings of electro magnets around a tube of said weapon. Or maybe one could build an aero spike behind engines to improve speed for less controll. Maybe even somthing like a nuclear reactor could be build in the ship which requires fuel from a certain ore found in some asteroids. Multi block systems could add a bit of complexity to the game and maybe a little more variety but, i still believe you should have something like the freedom with building the modules in any shape that you see fit, so there probably should not be many boundaries as to what exact shape the multi-block module is (i.e. if a tube is needed you can build it in any shape or size as long as it remains hollow and is connecting the parts that require it).



    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i would certainly like to see something like this, but in a way it already is there since stuff scales as you make bigger and bigger clusters of it, not to forget about power generators some people make.

    but more complexety in waepons or engines to change/improove there function would be awsome, adding multy-block sytems that maybe provide a temporary buff to something would be also awsome.