Movement sensors. Exclusive OR.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    They close/deactivate something automatically if nothing (especially players) moves in some radius for some time.

    Different delays Good for interior doors. And energy saving on lights

    Some block placed between two groups may deny to open both - opening/activating one PlexDoor/group closes/deactivates the other.

    Different delays. Good for airlocks and maybe other things too.
    Dec 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    I can already see the trapping possibilities on home bases and large ships.
    Would love to see this feature for intended use as well though.
    Jan 16, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    A simple solution could be pressure plates ala minecraft. But I can imagine a block that senses movement a block or 2 over it\'s \"face\"


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    The player-object can look what the blocks in proximity do. If it is a motion sensor, check if it can get activated. :) If it is an air block, restore your O2-tanks - I know, we don\'t have this jet :).

    A proximity sensor could be something like a plant (you can go through, just a sprite).

    • Place it on Plex-Doors: the grid gains proximity-sensor= true and can open/close when you are in proximity to a PlexDoor Block.
    • Place 2 and the range is a bit bigger (there can be a limit).

    Motion sensors could just forward the activation to PlexDoors and can look like a small plant/wall-lamp.

    I can already see the trapping possibilities on home bases and large ships.

    There are already trapping possibilities :)

    1. Place Gravity Blocks everywhere. Players may accidentally activate one, even if they not want it - or use a lot of Wedges (difficult to maneuver without gravity)
    2. Make the hall-ways small 1x2.
    3. Make a lot of 5/6 metres 1x2 long holes in the floor and the floor only 3 blocks height.
    4. Put PlexDoors on the whole bottom (you have to close them to get over the holes)
    5. Now place a faction-permission in the wall and PlexDoors in the hallway. Make the PlexDoor 2 blocks thick.

    Everybody can open the permission-door. If peoples close the PlexDoors on the floor, they trap themselves.

    • Alternatively let peoples fall into lava.
    Jan 25, 2014
    Reaction score
    it would be cool, sensors, but they would have to be didden, and a secret button/lever that would activate/deactivate them so you could walk past. all and all a good idea but youd need too add wires and a button/lever to activate/deactivate them so you could get across. and camofloge doors could elminate that problem or factional and personallyy locked doors that your freinds and faction could open. but all and all a good idea but you would ned to add on it so you could opean the door.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I suggest that we have wire-blocks which accept signals like \"0..maxInteger\". To set it up, there could be a hierarchical enumeration set up by players which convert names to numbers.

    • Broadcast {0 +0 ..1}
    • Bridge {0 +1 ..100}

      Lights {Bridge +0 ..5}

      White {Lights +0}
    • Blue/Yellow/Red Alarm: {Lights +1/2/3}
    • Emergency Lights: {Lights +4}

    [*]Computers {Bridge +6 ..50}

    • Docking +0
    • Main +1
    • Bugshot +2 // 1 dmg, meant as a warning to strangers, used by patrols if others don\'t read the chat, et
    • BigGun +3 // weapon computer
    • Artillery +4 // weapon computer
    • BothGuns +5 // this signal targets singnal-processors in adjacent to the two weapon computers
    • Fighters +6 // multiple docking systems.
    • Salvage/Repair/etc +7/8/9..

    [*]DoorSystem {Bridge +51 ..70}

    • Entrance +0
    • CaptainsQuarter +1
    • EmergencyExit +2
    • ...

    [*]MachineRoom {0 +101 ..200}
    [*]ShuttleHangar {0 +201 ..300}

    With 4-byte integer, the upper 1-2 bytes can be used for signal type (activate/deactivate/toggle, etc) or for the current state.

    Negative numbers exchange activate/deactivate.

    MultiPlexLights could change the color based on signal type, thus reduce the number of blocks.

    To avoid loops, each signal processor adds a LAG-number on the sender. The LAG-number is the LAG-number of subsequent receivers and signal processors + 2x itself. The number has to be below certain limit, or the sender will ignore the fat childs (subsequent receivers which may also be senders with a big LAG-number).

    Firewall Blocks can separate all-but-denied or not-allowed receivers from senders on the other side, but add +5 (a big number) to the LAG-number of all senders pm nptj sides.

    Some blocks like weapon computers and computers in general may have a receiver included (works similar to faction module, just with a number / name from an enumeration)

    Such a system allows everything on 1 wire.

    There might also be Blocks which forward a signal through empty space, space with no (or limited) metal inbetween in one direction to a receiver block (directional wireless communication via light modulation, etc)

    The inbetween would be a nice spot for placeable hidden scanners placed by hackers. Advanced blocks however might use technologies to triangulate the sender\'s location and only allow some x/y/z coordinate (only relevant to hackers).

    The biggest advantage is, that this allows you to send 1 signal wich could activate different objects and not need to be near this object - or make several different weirs from each door to your bridge :) and don\'t forget to leave 1 hull block inbetween :).