More Useful Galaxy Map


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    Perhaps the biggest qualm I have with the game at this point is the galaxy map. I know its currently in a "there it works well enough, move on to something more important" stage, but these are the upgrades I'd like to see it eventually get:

    1) Show me the facing of my ship.
    Currently the only way I know which way I'm travelling on the big map is to crank the ship up to maximum thrust, load the map, and hope I cross a sector boundary to see the icon move. It would help immensely if I could simply see which way my ship is pointing in relation to the rest of the universe. Doesn't have to be exact facing, just put the little arrow on the icon pointing in the general 90 degree direction I'm facing. Or when you're in the map you can use WASD to move the selection point around, just have the sector box you are facing highlight. I've noticed the arrow at the top of the map, but it doesn't seem to move with relation to how my ship is facing. I'd just really appreciate some way of being able to load the map and go "Oh hey, I'm actually going left when I need to be going right".

    2) Station coordinate availability is backwards, IMO.
    The instant I enter a system, I can see every unidentified station in it, but no shops. Okay, not a big deal, I can get the coords to the stations from the map, set a waypoint, and go directly to them and find shops along the way. Thing is, after I have discovered the stations and shops, there is no easy way to go back to them. Why can I pinpoint the exact location of a station I've never seen before, but as soon as I visit it it's location is forever lost to me unless I manually set a waypoint back to it? I think it would be far more enjoyable if you couldn't get the coordinates to an undiscovered station until you discovered it, at which point it would give you the coords to it on the map (along with shops).

    3) Let us set waypoints directly from the map.
    Due to playing in fullscreen mode, I have an actual paper notebook and a pencil that I use to write down coordinates from the map so that I can then copy them over into the navigation interface as a waypoint. The interface already knows when I'm hovering the mouse over something interesting because it will pop up the name. Just let me right click on it and select "Set Waypoint" from there without having to close the map and load up a different interface.
    Feb 19, 2015
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    2: That rather sounds like a bug, undiscovered stations should get names telling you what they are after youve discovered them, and shops should be visible in the map after being discovered.

    3: Select if with left click, then press "Plot to current" in the blue menu on the bottom of the galaxy map interface...
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    Aug 8, 2013
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    I've found it takes a bit of time for the names to update in the galaxy map. They will eventually, but it takes a while.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    I think you should automatically see shops and trading guild stations, but either not see abandoned stations or not tell the difference from them and pirate ones until you get closer. Shops should be advertising themselves, and abandoned stations wouldn't be.

    But try going back to before the current map. That map was... fun.
    Apr 18, 2013
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    Check your filter to make sure that everything is shown on the galaxy map. One of the options makes it so that only the names appear saying undiscovered station and whatnot, but no icons are shown. Sorry I can't remember which filter option did that, just make sure you have them all listed as shown just in case.
    Jan 26, 2014
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    to 1. You dont really need the facing of your ship. Try to do it the other way around.
    Just move with the arrow keys or Shift+arrow to the location you wanna travel.
    Then you could see it in Flight mode with a white lightet marker wich direction, you are.
    Oh i remember the old times you could put the GalaxyMap in a trashcan ^^

    2. and 3. already exist and are nothing to suggest
