More Use for Interiors and building interiors easier, and idea list


    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Interior: more uses

    I would like more uses for interiors, like map rooms, medical quarters, ect. Like a medi-block system where if you sit in a place like a medi-tube you will heal and such, or a place for repair drones to sit and wait for use, or an oxygen generator room for when they implement oxygen or something. This would also come in to use for a later idea in the minor ideas list

    Easier interiors: Today's way of building interiors using the current hold alt+build mode is good, but I am someone who needs speed and time, plus it is not with out flaw, such as it running out of materials and making an incomplete box of what I wanted.

    So my idea is this: Use a system similar to the sims series, or something of that matter, where you select what shape you want, it's size, and if it's hollow or not. This would speed up building rooms and ships by a considerable percentage, and would be very usefull for my powercube-1 projects, where I build 7 massive powercubes connected to each other.

    Here's a representation:

    shape: Circle

    Height: 25 Interior: False(air or no air) Placement: On block or in block( Will it place the center next to the block, or use the block as a center

    Width: 25 Material: hull(grey)

    Depth: 1081 Hollow: true

    with this setting, I would make a large sphere with the core at dead center, and entirely hollow, ready for me to make rooms in it as I see fit, thus allowing me to make my deat- off topic


    Human and robot NPC: These NPC can be bought and hired at any store if they have them, or traded between players through a menu of trade. How they work is easy, you take a named robot or NPC, and assign them a job, like say, turret handling (repairing or maning the turret) slavaging, or guarding (making sure nobody steals your ship or hurts you off ship if you assign them to it) to even more basic tasks, such as keeping patrol, to manufacturing stuff and puting it in a safe designated location like a storage tank. They require food/electricity to function, and later on maybe some other factors.

    Tesla Amps: A non-cubic block designed to look like tesla coils with a force field genrator at the top, these blocks are built in to stations and ships, these have all around use for attack, defence, and also speed. They work in a simple way, they destroy shields, but give an equal amound of how much shield power is destoryed in speed, in other words, they can destory 50 percent fo shields, but boost your speed by 50 towards the direction they aim at. Meaning, you can put these on your ship to make an anti-shield and enemy field, if the enemy tries to ram you, he will be deflected backwards, and will lose shields depending on how much time he has spent in the tesla coil's electric field, if you have no shields, then it will dent your recharge rate and effectiveness of weapons temporarilly.

    They can however be a danger to the user however, as they can not push back energy weapons as well, such as canons, and in fact will increase their damage as the coils will charge the shot. They will also damage the shields and speed of the user as the electricity is also absorbing the closest ship, the user's. This can be great for making hard to breach bases, a perimiter around you station, or a tank ship for war zones, or a sort of speed booster as ships fly by the station to get a speed boost to get to the next sector.