More ship Functionality?

    Oct 3, 2013
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    Im not sure about many other people here.
    But with Starmade being a game where you build ships, explore, have fun, roleplay,pvp and what not. I personally think the game should have more of a Function feeling to the ships. Wehre you have like a Engineer, Navigator, weapons personnel, etc. so like if you build a massive ship, you hsould expect there to be some sort of error in the ship, like your engine is over heating, or your power isnt working properly. and either you, (real crew), or (NPC crew) should be able to work on the ship. If that is too much to ask for, a accessable Ship Computer would be great, Where you could write down information, adjust shield settings, power settings, thrust...etc with out having to enter a computer or core.

    Secondly, i think Chairs and beds would be great to implement in-game. so that you could have a crew sit-down in a bridge, or chowing down in a wooden house in a planet, or just getting sleep.

    Third. A Drone Computing Navigation System would be amazing. It would allow you to plot your Drone (AI) Take off and Docking movements in sync with your ship, so each drone would take off and fly a specific route before being activated for AI duties, and with a push of a button they return to your ship and dock at their previous docking station. It would make Carrier tasks easier!

    Feedback anyone?


    Dec 31, 2013
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    3. agree

    1+2, dunno. Altought it would be nice, it could hurt performance (but nobody stops you from defining a type3-block in your own data/config/blockconfig.xml (type3 is a 2D sprite) for your local installation.

    And I don\'t want to take the time from the single starmade developer (Schema) for such things if other - more important - things can be done first.
    Jan 22, 2014
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    3, agree too :)

    1+2 Very interesting, so you want deeper ship subsystem management, micromanagement in short terms.

    Actually same feelings like gaseous-weather-anomaly-guy above. But I\'d say that\'s something for the latest state of game developement, i like it. (Dunno, dev decide^^)


    Since we already have suggestion threads about sector overlays, holographics and similar displays, I\'m digging out a really old one:

    Make a ship status display withing the structure menu (including above ideas), that shows your ship slighly transparent, and when you select a group of weapons, a block of thrusters or an array of shields, theese blocks would be highlighted. No real functionality, but pure engineer eye-candy :D I think this would be client based load.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    1) Sure, though IMO subsystem damage should have something to do with battle rather than be a random thing that happens out in space.

    2) YES, 9001 times over.

    3) Agreed.

    Like me, you appear to be another supporter of having larger ships require actual crews. *Fistbump*
    Feb 13, 2014
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    2 and definatly 3
    it would allow for small servers with less people to still have the fun of owning fleets of ships