More Multislots

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    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    While building, i have around a small transport ship to stock the materials. And what quickly becomes annoying is the amount of storages you need to put evrything in. Multislots were an amazing idea to improve this, as they dramaticaly reduced he amount of space needed to store hulls. Yet there are still a lot of blocks wich could be put in multislots for convenience :

    • Anything with a computer and a module block should have the two in a multislot (Weapons, effects, jump drive, scanner, ...).
    • Shield capacitors and generators, Power capacitors and generators.
    • Lights and lights rods of the same color.
    • Docking modules and their enhancer.
    • Faction module and permission block maybe?
    • Stones and their carved variant.
    Cutting down by a factor of 2 the amount of space all these need.

    But we can do more :
    • All factories in 2 of them. (Basic, standard, advanced on one side, the rest on the other maybe?)
    • All Logic in 2 of them. (Throw the activation module, step on in the trigger area one as a triggerstuff multislot and the rest of the logic components in another one?) (Seriously, it's really impratical right now to have to carry all this when working on circuitry)
    • Throw circuits and charged circuits of the same type together. (or circuits and motherboards (or just find something))
    Then we can find some way to compress capsules (paints included) / raw materials in more multislots, and put some of the terrain elements together (these take a huge amount of space), like putting leaves and logs together, stone/dirt/purplestuff and their variants with grass/reddirt/purplething/whateverthegroundonthatplanetismadeof together, ...

    Now to anyone worried about the future, when stacks will actually have a item limit for storage and transport balance, thinking that this would allow to have much more items than you would be supposed to, we can bypass this issue by having the max amount of items not be by stack but by storage block (max=supposed max by stack*nb of slots) and you can't put more stuff in a storage once the total number of items reach this limit, even if there is still empty slots.
    Hopefully that'll do the job.


    Keep calm and quit raging
    Aug 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    We already can add more multislots because multislots aren't hardcoded.
    This enables us to create custom multislots by adding the
    tag to BlockConfigImport.xml.
    For example:
                    <Block icon="4" name="Cannon Computer" textureId="32" type="WEAPON_CONTROLLER_ID">
                    <Block icon="5" name="Cannon Barrel" textureId="64" type="WEAPON_ID">
                    <Block icon="23" name="Shield Capacitator" textureId="156" type="SHIELD_ID">
                    <Block icon="405" name="Shield-Recharger" textureId="12" type="SHIELD_CAPACITY">
    This creates two new multislots: cannon and shield.
    cannon wields the Cannon Computer and Cannon Barrel while shield includes the Capacitator and Recharger block

    But i'd still like to see more default multislots :)
    Jul 27, 2013
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    I agree that at least computers should be combined with their subordinate blocks. I'm ok with shields and power as well.

    We already can add more multislots because multislots aren't hardcoded.
    This enables us to create custom multislots by adding the
    tag to BlockConfigImport.xml.

    But i'd still like to see more default multislots :)
    That is very nice to know about. I think I'll go hack my single player config now.