More Diversity Among... Well... Everthing.

    Jun 26, 2013
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    Hey guys, I've been playing this game a lot, and have noticed something that is kind of annoying. There is a HUGE lack of diversity among functional ship items like thrusters, weapons, etc. Also a lack of diversity exists among Space stations, and most of space just feels... empty. So, I, like in my other post, am going to give a huge list on things I believe should be changed:

    1. More thrusters with different powers. And max speed removed, or drastically increased.

    2. Missiles are good.

    3. Gatling Guns with high Rate of Fire, but low Damage per hit.

    4. Beam Rifles with high Damage per hit but low Rate of Fire.

    5. Some odd weapons here and there.

    6. MORE NPC FACTIONS. By this I mean add Humans, Aliens, etc. Have them have there own Space Station and ship Designs too, and add NPCs that you can talk to on Space Stations with their own random skins.

    7. Better Shields, and remove the shield power limit or increase it drastically.

    8. Different Pirates, with more randomized ships, and NERF THEM! THEY ARE WAY TOO STRONG!

    9. Add the ability to orbit planets, and add space stations in orbit of planets.

    10. You NEED to make it so that when you enter a new sector, planets don't just disappear, use sectors as basic waypoints, but don't have the entire area change as soon as you enter a new one. This is INCREADIBLY annoying.

    Once again, love the game, but there is still a long way to go!

    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    1. Agreed, or a system of slowing larger ships. I\'ve had an idea on this which generally seems to work: Thrusters grant max speed, ship mass counters this to some extent, result is a percent which is then applied to server max speed (predefined), and gives the total max speed of that ship. Quickly written, hope you can understand it.

    2. I think missiles are fine in diversity, but need a speed boost. They\'re too slow to be at all effective against most ships.

    3. I agree with the general concept

    4. So.. A sort of sniper rifle? Not really sure where this would be effective, but hey, why not?

    5. Personally, I\'d prefer some even ones...

    6. I agree that there should certainly be more interactive life in the universe, it shouldn\'t just be a bunch of trade guild ships which fly around doing nothing, and pirates which randomly attack everything that moves. Based on the frequency that this is asked for, I wouldn\'t be surprised if it was planned to some degree.

    7. I\'m not sure what you mean \"Shield power limit\". In fact, I\'m not sure what to make of most of this number.

    8. Pirates will take designs which players upload to the catalogue. This is world/server specific, I think. Also, everyone thinks pirates are OP from the beginning. In fact, the base pirate ships are unbelievably weak, and can be beaten by anything that has reasonable shields (say, 10+ shield blocks).

    9. Orbits, not only of planets, but of entire systems would be nice. Certainly, it should happen with planets, I could see some trouble with sector numbering outside of a base solar system though.

    10. That is generally a bug. I\'ve rarely encountered it myself, so I don\'t really know what to think of it, but it shouldn\'t be happening. I\'m pretty sure it\'s something to do with the way the game calculates position when leaving and entering a sector.