More customizeable block drops and currency improvement.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    I suggest to make "drop blocks on death" more customizeable.


    • Currency

      Also counts for credit-drop on death. Some servers may use gold and silver marks, Lava, WarpPlasma or Loyality-Points or other things as currency and there is currently no possibility to set a different drop for these.
    • Default: Drop=10%; Threshold=25'000cr


    • Things you always need: core, reactors, thruster, plex-store, salvage beams and such stuff.
    • Default: Drop=10%; Threshold=25'000cr (per item type)


    • Default: Drop=0%; Threshold=0cr

    That matches the current default server.cfg settings.

    You can put each block into one category - else use default.

    You can set for each drop-category a percentage and a threshold (number of items closest to #cr) and if it is dropped into space or lost.

    • num dropped = i* % - # >= 0
    • "i" is the number of inventar items, "#" that many inventar items to closest match Threshold-Credits.

    ??? WHY ???

    It would save players from losing their basic ship parts (especially newbes), even if block drop on death is enabled.

    Now let each shop sell and buy items at different prices the more or less items it has in stock.

    • 0% items : many credits.
    • 100% : few credits.

    if you buy/sell 100 items and the shop has 300/10'000 stock. That is how your sell/buy price is calculated:

    1. amount_min(200..300) =

      buy: stock(300) - amount(100)
    2. sell: stock(300)

    [*]amount_max(300..400) =

    1. buy: stock(300)
    2. sell: stock(300) + amount(100)

    [*]price_min,price_max(1.5..0.5p) = (0.5+ 1* (1- amount_min,amount_max /maxStock)) * basicPrice(1p).
    [*]price_avg(1.5..0.5p) = (price_min + price_max) *0.5
    [*]price_sum = price_avg * amount(100)

    Now an item (in every shop) which is close to 0 stock will cost 1.5x block-config and an item close to 100% stock will cost 0.5x block-config value.

    Adjust 0.5+ and 1* in step 3 to adjust the price differences.

    ??? WHY ???

    If you open a new own shop, you don't need to adjust prices (only disable some items, for example by trading them with each other and have 0 in stock).

    If something is in heavy demand, it is expensive. If something is redundant and everywhere available, it is cheap.