Momentum effects on other entities


    CEO Snataris Colonial Fleetyards
    Sep 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Bronze
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    Hi all,
    since the latest hotfix, momentum effects on external entities seem to be far weaker (a small fraction of previous effect strength if my tests (specific to push pulse, as I don't have a comparison for push support sadly) aren't totally off).

    I have now heard a couple of guesses that this might have to do with rebalancing the "Stop" effect, which if I am not totally off is nothing but a momentum effect that adds a negated (and depending on effect strength scaled) vector based on the original entities' movement vector (thus decreasing it's magnitude down to zero eventually).

    However it appears that movement effects are pretty useless now unless the weapon system is in the same size class as the target (roughly). Were non-stop movement effects intended to be weakened too? My point would be that while STOP is easily very powerful as it allows slow weapons to hit with ease, other movement effects cause rather erratic target vector changes that do not make leading with slow weapons much easier and basically are a "free evade" if the attacker messes up.

    If someone knows, I'd be happy to hear some answer :) I am ready to refit stuff, but if it was not intended to happen in the first place, that would be useful knowledge (and sorry if this is not new, I just couldn't find anything in the changelogs :D - in that case feel free to delete this thread.)