Missions (and their Mechanics) suggestion.

    Sep 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    Getting a Mission

    A quite simple idea. There could be a mission block (or how you want to call it) which you could modify, like adding objectives and acts which I will get to later. The mission block when activated will spawn an NPC (Maybe with a model of the Player for now) When you talk to the NPC, a Mission window will pop up with some text, the brief objective and ofcourse the rewards you will get for completing it, all of this modyfiable in the Mission Block. And ofcourse an Accept and Decline button.

    The other option is getting a "call" where you will be contacted by the NPC when entering the Mission sector (I'll get to that) and you will get the same mission window.

    The Mission Block

    A simple system which you could edit the mission in. The mission would be divided into "acts". Every act would have an objective and an optional text. The objective must have a target, right? So there could be other mission blocks. For example Destroy Blocks for destroy objectives, Defend Blocks for defend objectives etc. The other objectives could be Ships from your catalog which will spawn randomly or where you want in the mission sector. That ain't so complex, right? What about an example?

    I want to make a mission, where you have to capture a transport ship full of explosives and fly it into the hangar of an enemy flagship. So I go to the edit mode of the Mission Block and set an objective. I select the destroy objective, in which I set the target to 2 enemy ships that are protecting the one full of explosives. Then I add a transport objective. I set the ship as the first target and the Transport Block in the hangar as the second target. After that I set the radius of the Transport block and add some text (something like "Good job. Now take the ship into the hangar. I'm sending you the coordinates of the Flagship.Try not to blow yourself up.") The last thing will be adding a "Plain" objective which is basically a timer (Because I will ad a timer to it) before the last act, which is the large KABOOM we all waited for. The time there is to steal another ship and fly away as fast as you can before the last act triggers the Explosive Blocks (Those would be cool ^.^) and you go to get your reward. Wouldn't that be awesome?

    Mission types

    1) Destroy- The easiest one in which you can set a ship or a Destroy block as an objective.

    2) Transport- Basically taking one ship from point A to point B. Simple.

    3) Escort- That would be a more complex one. You will set a Ship as a target 1 and a transport block as a target 2 and any ship from your catalog as a target 3. You can choose the ships to spawn randomly or at a specific location. When you get to target 1, it will fly to the target 2 at a speed you choose. Meanwhile, target 3 starts to spawn. You can modify how many, where and how long after you get to target 1 will they spawn.

    4) Defend- Quite simple. You set a Defend Block as target 1 and a ship from your catalog as taget 2. You can choose if you have to defend for a duration you choose or to destroy a specific number of enemies (target 2). You can set the spawn rate, speed and in the 2nd option how many of them will spawn.

    5) Gather- A simple "fetch" quest. You set an item or a number of items which are in the mission sector and you gather and bring them back. Easy. Not if you put Enemy turrets (I think Schema could implement those) or enemy NPCs (which would bring a lot of fun into the game. For example fighting through a ship to get to the core and destroy it).

    These are just a few of Ideas I got. I don't want to put all of them here. Aaaand the most difficult part I guess...

    The Mission Creator and sharing

    I guess the title says a lot. A mission creator mode, where you could build only in how many sectors you want with unlimited resources and the mission blocks (Which would be available only there) without any griefing pirates bothering you (a paradise for me :3) and probably an option to create a block beneath you so you can build there, so you don't have to build stations and have all the unwanted waypoints.

    And the sharing. To ensure that you will not play the same missions again, you would get the missions from players. On your account you could set whether you want to get missions from all people (Who share their missions) or only from those you choose. There could be a part of this website where you can download and rate other's missions. The better the mission si rated, the bigger chance of it getting into your game. The missions as I mentioned before would be in one or more sectors depending on how much space you want. The mission sectors would spawn randomly in the world, so when you enter a mission sector, an alert shows up that there is a mission available.

    So that's all, I think. Thank you for reading this and I hope Schema will notice and implement at least something from this. Thank you and have a nice day :) -Tomzor

    P.S. Sorry if you find a grammar mistake. I'm not from an english speaking land, but I try to do my best :)


    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I love this idea, it would take our ability to edit and create our universes in any way possible and stretch it even more, making way for excellent things in the future, such as randomely generated ship graveyards, filled with ships from opposing NPC bases, or an abandoned colony on a planet, or all sorts of adventures to be had!

    A wonderful idea that I think this game should have!