Missile/Escape Pod Docking Modules, Ship Lifts, & Other Suggestions

    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    Most of these suggestions are due to limitations I've run into whilst building a ship, and thus some may have already been posted, though I shall re-post my way of suggesting said suggestion.

    Missile & Escape Pod Docking Modules.

    So, we have Turret & Normal Docking Modules. Cool. But what I want to see is a third and maybe forth type of Docking Module that would allow us to launch much larger missiles or escape pods.

    The way I was thinking this could work is that once launched through ship mode of the ship to which they're attached, or from the escape pods core, it would isntantly activate the thrusters on the entity that was docked there. This would allow for, say, larger, one-use missiles, filled with Dis-Integrator Explosives, thus acting like nuclear warheads. It would also allow the creation of escape pods like I previously mentionned, which would have very low maneuverability but extreme speeds, hence why they would be escape pods.

    Ship Lifts

    It can be a real pain to have to resort only to wedges to act as stairs in massive ships; that's why I'd also like to see lifts designed for ships.

    I'm a guy who always builds on a large scale, and they could be incredibly handy if implemented correctly, if at all.

    Various Other Suggestions of Suggestionation

    - Inner Wedges : We all want these, I know it. That's why I also know this must have been suggestion at least a dozen other times before me.

    - Controllable Turrets w/ Cockpits: So, you've got to admit that the AI on the turrets isn't always the best. I would love to be able to control turrets from my core as well as have cockpits attached to them allowing me to, once I switch to the Weapons Computer that's on said turret I can then easily aim it and fire from it's viewpoint; it would also be nice to have a sort of 'Remote Weapons Computer' that a player could use to control a nearby turret from within a ship, useful for mining barges and such.

    - Sliding and Pivoting Blocks: It would be a great addition to add blocks that could slide along an axis or pivot around a certain block; it would allow for much greater creativity and fancier constructs rather than just using Plex Doors.

    I mean come on, who doesn't want to watch massive station doors open up to allow a slightly smaller ship to exit? The vanishing of Plex Doors just gets rather annoying after a while.

    - More structures and places to visit: I'm sure this has already been planned for ages, but I'll just put it here anyways; the games' universe and vast... and empty. I'd love to have a reason to leave my station on my ship rather than just go out and find a few planets and empty stations.

    So, that's all I can think of for now.
    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    You should check again, I tested and it gave me a notification saying that they can\'t be used on ships.