Currently, planets, from a gameplay perspective, are kind of silly. They're not much more than big, laggy asteroids - You mine them, get a massive pile of resources, and destroy them. Hence, I'm proposing a few changes:
- Planets should only have two types of resources each, period. The fact that they commonly have everything or nearly everything effectively renders asteroids obsolete. (Also, planets should have a higher chance of having the same resources as asteroids spawned in their area, but that's not necessary.)
- Planets should not be salvageable with ship salvage beams. This renders asteroids even more obsolete. Just say that the planet's atmosphere is interrupting the salvage beam or something.
- Asteroids, by default, should have a higher multiplier when mining than they currently do. Shattered Skies has a very large multiplier (in addition to a boosted amount of capsules per refined resource) and it doesn't feel in any way unbalanced, save for possibly when refining the massive hauls one can currently obtain from planets.
- Planets should also have a higher multiplier - in fact, possibly an order of magnitude more than asteroids. Also, the "Lucky!" bonus should become a multiplier (x2 or x3) rather than a set number of extra resource items. This way, landing on a planet and mining the resources on the ground becomes worth it.
- I am, as I've often said, a supporter of some form of mantle extractor. This would be a special factory block that only works on planets, and produces a certain amount of resources per tick based on random values assigned to each planet. For example, one planet might produce 5 units of Zercaner and 3 units of Sapsun per tick, while another (rarely) might produce 30 units of Rammet and 22 units of Sertise. The smallest amounts and the resources available closest to a star would be the most common, and the resources available furthest away from a star (i.e. Rammet and Sertise) and the largest amounts of resources per tick would be the rarest.
These extractors would be expensive, complicated to make, and any type of enhancer blocks for them would probably use faction points (rather than extra power). It might even be a good idea to only allow one per planet plate or something. - Perhaps we could have pirate planets - planet with pirate bases - spawn rarely... These would have a very high extraction bonus on a single plate, but the extractor would be deep within a pirate base (on top of the faction block, inside the base's core room) and require a player to fight off orbiting ships, hostile wildlife, pirate NPCs, and more to claim the planet for themselves or their own faction.
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