Read by Council Mining in Unloaded Sectors and Mining in nearby sectors


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    I know at least one of these is planned but I'm going to post up an idea anyways to see if it'd work. :)

    For mining in nearby sectors the Mine Sector command would work like it does now except the ships would hunt down any salvageable/mineable target in the loaded sector range. In this case they wouldn't go into unload sectors to mine.

    For unloaded mining I'm thinking the sector to be mined in while unloaded would have to have been discovered first otherwise it is an empty void with nothing in it as far as the AI is concerned. When discovered the game knows what is in it and in this case any mineable targets in it can be mined at a set rate but blocks are taken randomly instead of things in the path of salvage beams.

    In this case we'd have a new command (Hopefully not needed if the devs know what they are doing. :P ): Mine Discovered: This lets Miners mine in unloaded territory as long as the sectors have been discovered and the miners will automatically seek out things to mine on their own starting with the closest target and working outward from there.

    Also this lets players send out huge fleets of miners into a system that they've scouted and mostly ignore what's going on unless those ships get into unloaded firefights. It also means that players might get a tad lazy but with people trying to poach their miners while they aren't paying attention it could get them up to check what's going on. :)

    In any even any ideas?
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    Reactions: WitherFireGaming
    Aug 1, 2015
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    And if they add guard selected target to fleet commands it would give me something to do with my fleets other then hang around base.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Alternatively, you set a fleet or two to guard a sector in which you expect the mining fleet to be in, set a fleet patrol through the sectors the mining fleet must mine and travel in.
    Nov 6, 2015
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    This sort of 'advanced' functionality might be good for a separate NPC command list. It would make hiring and training crew members that much more rewarding if they took some of the more menial tasks off your hands, allowing you to move on to bigger and better things. Basically, I think it's more satisfying to go from mining by hand to efficient miner to fleet mining a whole sector at a time to assigning a crew member to take care of your mining fleet by themselves. Just building bigger ships and owning more sectors is nice as far as it goes, but if the game changes as you progress it'll feel more like an accomplishment.
    Mar 13, 2016
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    The Problem is actually , they may also get too close to the sun , when you let em mine on themselfs.As some of the asteroids are near the sun but they get no dmg but you get.