Minerals stacking improvement

    Oct 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    First of all - sorry about my english.

    Second - it's my first post.

    And now the main topic - i've been raiding a lot today and i had to empty my inventory into a plex storage more than a few times. One of this storages was ONLY for the minerals and i had to clean it up a few times - i had one mineral in 2-3 places. Then i had an idea for a little improvement. What if the game could show me where block that is identical with the one that i drag is ? The idea is simply - the blocks with different names than the one i drag would blend with the background (as in searching) while the one i am searching for is still normally visible. It could be for minerals only or for all blocks. And it could use modified search procedure - the searched block name would be the name of the dragged one.

    Thank you for reading this and i hope that my idea will make it to any client version of the game.
    Oct 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like this idea. Maybe even highlight any stacks of a given item you already have while you\'re dragging it. Or maybe there could be some sort of button in the Plex Storage Unit GUI to \"Consolidate Resources\" and it could automatically stack like items. This would be very convenient!
    Oct 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    One more thing i\'ve forgotten - in the shop menu shuold be tak/buy all button. From time to time i have to move the minerals from my raids (i place them in the shop) to the factory. I can take 15-20 minutes each time depending on how many of them i have. Most of the time takes me clicking on the mineral and manually writing \'10000\' to take it all. I hope there will be improvement for this.