Massive Ideas from Server Members

    Jun 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Public Docking / Paid Docking

    Normal Docking Block which allows other Factions to dock at your station.
    For free or for a set Fee (On docking try window pops up with with "Price" and "Dock - Dont Dock"

    Public and Paid Travelgates
    Build your own Gate design and install a Gate Core.
    You can see all you Gate Cores in a list and connect them for fast Travel.
    Also you can add a Price for other people to use it. (Same window as the paid docking)

    Holographic Text Block
    Add a giant holographic text around your station.
    Activate the Block enter the text and see in a extra build menu where the text is how fast it spins etc.

    Own Shop Block
    Sell your stuff at your station or buy goods from other People who are docking with your station.

    AI Controll Block
    Link to a Bobby AI Module to controll your AI. For example made them come back to your station if they are to far away or set a price for your repair drones which then can repair docked ships on your public docking ports

    Precache more sectors
    Currently if you run around with gravity on in a moving ship you get kicked out entering a new sector so please let the game cache the surrounding sectors.

    More Ice Crystals or Ice Crystals to Lights
    Currently the Ice Crystals are the BEST lamps ingame. So please make them in more colors or even changable with normal hex number edit!


    Thanks for Reading and keep that awesome game up! (Best Game 2013!! *_*)
