Mapping,FTL and Hyperspace dimension/portals

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Perhaps trans-sector travel would require exponentially increasing engines for linearly longer distances - for example: 1*n warp drive blocks consumes 1 unit of power and goes 1 sector, 4*n warp drive blocks consume 4 units of power and go 2 sectors, etcetera, etcetera. The variable n would probably represent some kind of logarithmic value relating to the amount of blocks in a ship so larger ships need more warp.

    TL:DR - going further costs more -per sector- than going a shorter distance.

    Another note - maybe you could reconfigure the warp drives in a similar way to weapons? Balance between travel distance, recharge, and perhaps power efficiency.
    May 11, 2013
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    For energy, i\'d say more like 500-1000 e/p sector for warpdrives.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    I have a scenario: Someone joins the server, and immediatly just builds a ship with a core and a warpdrive, he then punches it into the middle of nowhere. If he sees a baddy, he punches it. What this causes is the ability to escape, it dissallows conflict and gimps player interaction. It lessens gameplay.

    Thats why i said that there is a Base 15 second charging timeand each pirate ship blueprint should contain a scrambler that they inmediatly use. disabling the warp. so they are forced to interact in the normal way. or try to escape with normal drivers thus not lessening the gameplay.

    Also another idea. Traders-Guild ships are a punishment for destroying shops. since i lose them easily they should have a warp-drive to keep up with you, never making you able to land safely and force to see the consequences of attacking a shop.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    But for FTL, im supporting a warpgate convention. Around the universe are generated jumpgates that, when used, will throw you, lets say, 50-100 sectors in whatever direction they are facing. They have a twin jumpgate at the end, pointing in the other direction. This allows for expansionism and creating objectives for factions to fight over, and bottlenecks for pirates. Once manufacturing has a point, these warpgates would be become very valueable. If you simply have a warpdrive you have to worrying about collisions inflight with planets/other orbital bodies.

    I made warp drives an end-game concept. with a lot of advantages and disadvantages. so i think these portals that get you 50-100 sectors further should be without th disadvantages and for players who cannot afford to get a warpdrive.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    The reason i use different posts for everything is because im on my IPad and scrolling/ editing posts just doesn work well for me.

    So far the disscussion is going good. as i expected new ideas blended in. people support and contribute with their ideas. This is my first Hot Topic by the way.

    but disscussion is going amazing so far! (I am NOT closing this disscussion just so you know)

    Thank you all for contributing! :D

    May 11, 2013
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    I dont mind the multi-posts.

    Scramblers are a difficult thing to include. Is it a radius? a beam? And whats the point of it/a timer if the player sees a hostile 3km++ away?
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Well the scrambler wasnt my idea it was Mr_Burkes idea.

    It is of course a beam, when a ships charges for warpspeed it should give off clear particles making it easy for players to see if theyre warping and scramble them. Mr_Burkes said that those scramblers areto disrupt the charge of a spaceship going into warpspseed
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Uh, just created warp-topic and than saw this. Seems like we have similar view on the matter.

    May 11, 2013
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    It is of course a beam, when a ships charges for warpspeed it should give off clear particles making it easy for players to see if theyre warping and scramble them. Mr_Burkes said that those scramblers areto disrupt the charge of a spaceship going into warpspseed

    Whats to stop the pilot from simiply initiating the warpdrive once the guy stops shooting his scrambling beam? This isnt Eve, theres no target locking and continuous useage of a module.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    In my earlier post i mentioned that when hit with the scrambler beam there is a penalty. the penalty disables the warp drive for a few minutes.
    May 11, 2013
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    In my earlier post i mentioned that when hit with the scrambler beam there is a penalty. the penalty disables the warp drive for a few minutes.

    Oh, my mistake.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Let me just gather up everything we got so far:

    Warpspeed is an endgame extension needing better thrusters, is extremely expensive and takes a lot of power per sector. the base charging time is 15 seconds and goes up depending on your ships size, making pirate escapes less possible. Charging can be stopped with a scrambler giving a penalty of the warpdrive not working for a bit. Alviss gave a suggestion of a poral leading 50-100 sectors further for people who don\'t have a warpdrive because it is endgame. Warpdrive is used as enhancer for the mapping system. you can only travel to explored areas no harming the gameplay. Pirates are equipped with a scrambler beam at all times to preent escaping. a highway system was introduced wich is interesting but Alviss wants 2 portals directly without a highway. A coördinate placing idea was introduced but removed.


    Creative Director
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I love the warp idea with the charge up. It\'s something we\'re used to in science fiction. Whether its based on mass or number of warp blocks or a combination of the two, it shouldn\'t be a set amount for everyone.

    Combine the warping with mapping.

    I imagined the mapping block and enhancers being used to create like a holographic display of a sector. You look at games like Halo where there\'s a physical 3d map you can walk around with a certain degree of details. It would encourage building up your bridge a bit more than just a cockpit block. The more enhancer blocks you have the bigger your map is. You can view the map and see points marked, places you\'ve visited. When you have your warp drive you can mark a place where you ship is currently as a warp point in your map, so it still encourages that exploration, you can label them on the map as well and use it to warp. That way warping selection is done in the map console rather than in the core, also discouraging fight then fleeing
    Jun 28, 2013
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    A holographic 3D display sounds fun! tough i think it will be a pain to implement.

    Also to everyone who thinks there already is a map by pressing :P There isn\'t

    Maybe it would also be fun if pirates could use some sort of special beam to hack your map and copy them so they can go to the same places as you, so that means a map has risks.