machine run cubatom system

    Sep 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    the current way that the cubatom system works is convenient but requires alot of clicking and sorting through lists. my suggestion is to add 5 new blocks to make it factory run (these would all require a significant ammount of power to operate and would only be usable by fairly well established/majorly built up starbases)

    *atomic disasembler - reduces blocks to their cubatom form. would automaticly reduce any block put into it down to their base cubatom forms. uses 15k energy per block and functions once every 3 seconds.

    *atomic fuser - makes compound cubatoms (non natural cubatoms made from fusing 2 cubatoms togeather) would fuse togeather any 2 specified cubatoms that could make a compound cubatom. 20k energy per compound atom made and functions once every 5 seconds.

    *atomic fabricator - makes blocks. would fuse togeather specified cubatoms to make a selected block (one of selected block would need to already be in the machine) 20k energy per block made and functions once every 3 seconds.

    *atomic storage bank - used to store cubatoms. stackable system that would gain more storage space the more are stacked togeather. no energy cost but each one can store 1024 cubatoms.

    *atomic accelerator - similar to factory enhancer. basicly allows another work operation per run for atomic disasembler, atomic fuser, and atomic fabricator. energy usage will also go up accordingly.

    (note: the names and numerical values are suggestions)

    so the basic idea is to simplify the cubatom system a bit (and make it less work on the fingers) but as it is a powerful system it should also be calibrated to be resource intensive to operate.