Low Frame Rate

    Jul 6, 2015
    Reaction score
    Hey everyone!

    I know these have come up a ton of times before. I have dug through some of the forums and have not had much luck.

    When I'm flying around out in my ship when it is by itself, I get around 100 FPS. As soon as I get near our station with other ships and stuff around it, the FPS drops to around 10. I would assume it is because of all the stuff around the base (it is quite large), but my friends that I play with don't seem to have the problems that I do and we are all running similar hardware.

    Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks everyone!

    I am running the following:
    -Core i7-2600 @ 3.4 GHz 3.7 GHz
    -8 GB Ram
    -ATI Radeon HD 6900
    Win 7 64 Bit
    64 Bit Java

    My memory settings for StarMade are:
    -6144 MB Maximal Memory
    -2048 MB Initial Memory
    -256 Early Generation Memory

    In game graphics:

    Background Image On
    Bloom Effect On
    Bloom Intensity 0.4
    Damage display distance 600
    Draw additional stars On
    draw beams On
    Draw other galaxies in map Off
    Draw preview for paste On
    draw space dust particles On
    draw thruster plumes On
    Field of View 85.0
    Fix Framerate -1
    Fullscreen ON
    Liftetime (secs) of debris 15
    Max Missile Trails 128
    Max segments drawn at once 8000 (this is nearly maxed on my friend's very similar computers)
    MaxBeamsDrawn 1024
    MultiDraw Optimization Off
    Preview Block to build On
    rayCout/lightCalc 64
    Resolution 1920x1080
    Shield Effect On
    Simple Lighting Quality On
    Size of hit indications 1.0
    Star Count 4096
    use linear mag filter on Blocks Off
    use lineral mag filter on GUI Off
    Vert-Synch Off
    Jul 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Gold
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Video Genius
    do you have shadows turned on? that cuts your performance in half,and then some,and then some..you get the idea
    also,not saying its a problem,but why only 256MB for Early Generation Memory. thats terrible xD
    Jul 6, 2015
    Reaction score
    do you have shadows turned on? that cuts your performance in half,and then some,and then some..you get the idea
    also,not saying its a problem,but why only 256MB for Early Generation Memory. thats terrible xD
    do you have shadows turned on? that cuts your performance in half,and then some,and then some..you get the idea
    also,not saying its a problem,but why only 256MB for Early Generation Memory. thats terrible xD
    Shadows are off. What would you recommend setting Early Generation Memory to?
    Jul 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Gold
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Video Genius
    Shadows are off. What would you recommend setting Early Generation Memory to?
    1024 would be enough :P
    also,bloom can hit your performance quite hard,not as nearly as hard as shadows,but they do take a lot of frames
    Jul 6, 2015
    Reaction score
    Neither changed much. When I unchecked bloom, it made parts of ships and the base disappear and it has a tearing effect.

    Also, I appreciate the help so far! :)
    Jul 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Master Builder Gold
    • Councillor 2 Gold
    • Video Genius
    hmm,seems like you (MIGHT) have a bad case of occlusion culling. :P
    save your blueprints folder and world somewhere.
    re-instal starmade on another location.
    go into that folder after you instal it,find the settings.CFG file and open it with notepad.
    all the way down,you should see G_USE_OCCLUSION_CULLING..
    make sure its = false.
    now start the game. (also make sure once you open the laucher,in the advanced settings the occlussion culling is off there too)
    other than that,here are my advanced settings that work (the buggy ones)

    anti-aliasing samples = 0
    VBO bulk mode size(MB) = 256
    simple Dyn. lighting = OFF (no point in having this turned on)
    texture 2D compression = ON
    texture array compression = ON
    texture 2D mopmap = ON
    if this doesnt work,its beyond me