LONG POST - Several Suggestions

    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So I've been playing for a while and I had a few suggestions to do with various things, mostly the AI options and Space Stations, which I realise are hard to program but bear with me, and feel free to pick apart everything.

    Also as it says in the title, this is a very long post.


    As of right now, if you create several weapons side-by-side (like a 3X3X8 missile turret) they will function as a singular unit, a toggle function to change between acting as a singular unit and acting as separate units would be nice, and helpful to build turrets.

    Weapon ideas simply include

    • Lasers: They could be used to overheat a core and break through shields, yet do nothing to blocks
    • EMPs: Disables weapons and disrupt (let’s say 1/2 effectiveness) shields.
    • Railgun: Able to pass through shields and damage blocks in a line, however uses a lot of energy and has a long recharge.
    • Hacking: Allows the player to control AI ships (whether pirate or built by opposing players), it would consume energy for each second controlled, and could be turned kamikaze to be used against the enemy

    And expanding infiltration options, to allow players to stealthily infiltrate a ship and kill the crew, taking the ship for themselves.

    AI Control

    As I said, I'm aware that an AI is a tricky thing to create, however there are a few options I would like to see.

    • Target designation: Designate targets for the AI to attack when they get in range. E.g. everyone; just enemy AIs, players, other factions. This would be used to aid in protecting certain ships & allow for greater control of AIs. Each option could be toggled on or off.
    • Overmind: And AI to control all AI (or all AIs in a fleet when that gets implemented). For large ships with many turrets, it is time consuming to activate all of them. A block that can be in the cockpit and allows you to turn all AIs in ships built by you, (or that are docked to your ships) would be very helpful.
    • Follow me: Pretty self-explanatory, I want ships with AI's in them to be able to follow, and more importantly fight alongside my ships. Options for this would include various distances (distance between the closest block of each ship) and enabling them to fight or maintain a safe distance from the fight.
    • Automatic assault: AI controlled ships that are docked on ships docking ports will automatically undock and fly out to attack the enemy, then return and dock with the main ship.
    • Energy use: Turrets will use their own energy before draining the main ship. This will allows turrets to attack even when the main ship has been mostly disabled.
    • Resource gathering: Allows the AI ships to gather blocks using the scavenger beam. Can be automatic (every time you pass an asteroid), or manual (go mine this asteroid). Range is unlimited, and the resources would be stored on the chest(s) on board the ship. You could also designate other ships to protect the Gatherer.

    Space Stations

    These improvements are for the space stations. Please note that most of these will apply to the default space stations present within the game already, as I have very little experience with making my own.

    • Unlimited docks: These are for space stations, and would allow larger ships to dock. This is mostly a personal annoyance, since I often use space stations as bases, or protection while I build more advanced (read: large) ships.
    • Shields: A massive ball shield around the space stations to protect its space. This would allow newer players, or player seeking to build their ships a protective zone without griefers. Naturally the shield will be impenetrable by weapons fire, and once inside the shield all weapons will be disabled.
    • Claiming: As with ships, other players can infiltrate an opposing player/faction space station and destroy something (maybe a block denoting the faction?) this will make the station neutral allowing them (or anyone waiting in ambush) to claim it as their own, driving the others out.
    • Turrets: Small turrets within the hallways. These turrets would be ballistic; antimatter; laser; or some other type small projectile. Big enough to kill a player, but not damage the station.
    • Other traps: I can't really think of any sci-fi-y traps. Maybe once oxygen is introduced you could have a trap that vents the air from the area the opposition is.
    • Shops: Simply put, shops on stations. These shops could sell different things from each other (like a market or a bazaar).


    These are suggestions which don't really fit into any category, yet don't really warrant their own.

    • Player made shops: The prices on everything would have to be standardised to prevent people screwing over others. These would register as shops on the navigation page and maps. They could also be situated on stations, with merchant ships docked and selling their wares (very much like a bazaar).
    • Enter via Cockpit: It's annoying (especially on large ships) to enter the core, especially when the core itself it encased in various blocks. A simple ability to enter via the cockpit would seriously help when pirates suddenly attack while you're in astronaut mode.
    • Locked doors: Add a separate block (maybe an AI) that allows players to choose who can open doors on their ship.

    Thank you for reading all this. I know it's a long post, and a heavy read.

    If anyone has anything that can build on what I've already written , I welcome it, as my ideas can only go so far.