Bug Logic doesn't Unlink


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    I've been testing out some logic and having a bit of an issue when I unlink them from things like rail dockers and a few other things the logic will still affect the blocks in question until the logic blocks in question are removed than replaced. Also I've found that removing the affected blocks the logic is linked to and replacing them doesn't get rid of the link to the zone the block was. Only removing the logic block itself will do so. I need to do a little more testing but so far that's what I've ran into.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Same here. This kind of thing has been around for way too long. It occasionally happens with weapons computers too; I had a single computer both slaved and unslaved at one point and I had to change its location to fix it. I've had this problem in the past as well where logic would randomly just... connect. It was in the bug tracker for a while but it wasn't reproducible enough. I'm not sure it is now, but if anyone finds a surefire way to invoke this behaviour that would certainly help the devs pinpoint the problem.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    Not sure since I've had this happen on Fillecraft without warning but haven't run into this before. I know my drone I'm working on has this issue so I think I can get it to consistently happen there.