List of features!

    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi, I'm George! These are my suggestions and instead of making a new thread for every single feature I am suggesting, I'm just going to list them here for easier access. Also just to point out, This game has a lot of potential and will go far, I'm in love with this game already! Nice work!

    Upgraded thrusters - Sure you can make efficient thrusters that don't require a lot of energy, but at times, the basic old ones just don't do it, perhaps thrusters in the shop selling for more?

    Solar panels - speed up the time to recharge energy and reduce cooldown on weapons/utilities

    Crafting - used minerals and parts to forge better items to include on your ship. Perhaps customizable crafts?

    NPCs - Probably already suggested but It would be cool to have aliens, humans and other species on different planets that you can trade, and accept quests from them.

    Animals - Like NPCs but they vary on planet they're on; Snowy biome? Yeti like creature or space penguins! Lava biome? Lava/fire creatures. etc.. These animals can be slain to get items for crafting or food

    Hunger/Oxygen - Oxygen canisters are available to buy in the shop to put on your ship so you have access to oxygen on the ship. Also hunger can be replenished by slaying creatures and cooking their meat

    Friends list - Add friends on the site to play with them ingame, (invite, and voice communication)

    Weapons - Not so much added weapons for ships, but weapons for your character, go round and slay animals and npcs if you'd like?

    Pirating ships - board enemy ships and take control, if they don't obey, their ship can be destroyed!

    I will add more features to this post or maybe a new one if this post is successful and gets my ideas across, hope this helps :)


    And yes it's a cat riding bacon in space, delicious and cute, :)