Less Stations per System

    Jan 23, 2015
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    I have no idea how to word this so I'm just going to say it

    the number of stations in a system in this game is stupid You don't actually get to feel like you exploring anything when every system you enter has 20+ stations.

    I suggest that the maximum number of stations in a system be limited to the number of planets in that system AND for wormhole systems to have some kind of ancient alien stations in them with valuable types of items that can only be found there and for these station to nullify the pull effect of the wormhole nearby

    I just want to say now that these alien structures should look old and damaged and be big and open inside giving you enough space to fly a 60-70m long frigate through so the dimensions should be big maybe 2km LWH

    I just thought that this would make exploring more fun. and make systems feel less crowded


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I agree. I'm not sure the full implementation of exploration is here yet though.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    I agree as well and this is probably going to happen somewhere down the line. Planets used to be a dime a dozen now they're realistically limited.

    Instead of just a full on number slashing I'd like to see more stations the closer you are to the galactic center, but still much less than we have now. It just doesn't make much sense to see tons of stations in the outer rim of the galaxy or especially in the void sectors.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Stations do seem to be a bit much, but remember the idea was that the further you get from the center (the populated and lawful area), the more pirates and dangers you will come across. Heading out to the rim was suppose to pose a challenge of sorts (It's the best they got right now), and void sectors make for good hiding places ideally (more pirates there).

    Needed to make clearing out pirate stations while claiming territory challenging as well. Plus there needs to be stations for everyone who might want one on a server. Maybe stronger variants and the ability to randomly respawn?

    Agreed with OP more or less. His idea might need a bit more work before it could be viable for multiplayer as well.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    That is a good point, but having more weak pirate stations per sector isn't necessarily more challenging. Especially because their firing ranges won't likely overlap. Ideally we get some more powerful and well protected stations but less per system with more powerful and numerous pirate forces that spawn more frequently to intruders in the system. With the outer rim being more isolated and their home turf they're naturally more powerful, but with everything farther apart they'd have to fan out their forces more to defend it properly. Thus less stations per system, but more powerful.