Lava Laser

    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    The Lava Laser, is a laser (duh) which although it doesn't shoot lava (which would be epic) melts any hull it hits and "heats" the area. let's say you were hitting a ship with the beam, first the block it was hitting would turn into lava then blocks around it, and on and on, until the ship turned into a floating block of lava and the core overheated. it would increase in power same as a AMC cannon, but it would be balanced by the fact that it ruins salvage.
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    it would stack much the same way as an AMC cannon array but unlike AMC cannons it would be more useful as a single giant laser, it would also overheat (unchanging overheat) after firing for too long (more laser blocks = longer fire time) it would simply \"melt\" blocks while being fired, but they don\'t cool down, making maintenenance after getting hit by such a beam difficult. it would be mainly for large ship-large ship combat because the melt rate would increase with an increase of laser mass, leading to something that would look like a lava virus spreading on the ship. it would be a \"compromise\" weapon dealing half damage to shields and 3/4 damage to hull.
    Sep 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    sounds like you actually made a \"gray goo\" gun there buddy.for one don\'t doubt the power of lava. a lucky recipe can make lava do a lot of things. secondly I do like the idea of melting hulls but i\'d prefer to see it when/if liquid dynamics get added in. you melt a hull and it becomes both a hole in your ship and a small pool of boiling death, making it hard to go repair