Lab/Aesthetics/Weapons/Energy/Defense/Environment Compilation of Ideas

    Jul 23, 2013
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    This list is divided into sections that contain suggestions involving many parts of the game including new power storage and collection, planet and space addition, various aesthetics and more!

    ---------------Ship and Station Mechanics---------------

    ~Captain's Control Panel

    -Currently the only way to enter to ship is directly through the core, but when I think of a core I think of it being the heart of the ship and not the brain. A Captain's Control panel would provide another way to enter piloting/building mode in a ship and could also provide other features like undocking ship's that may be attached to the vessel, opening plexdoors automatically and various other things that require manual activation ("r"/interaction key).

    ~Item Transport and Docked Item Transport

    -Whenever you need to move a large mass of materials from one stationary area to another, an example being moving materials from plexstorage on a ship to a base on a planet, you would have to carry those items in your inventory back and forth which could take a few trips. A solution would be Item Tranport Tubes that would resemble like going to a bank and pharmacy drive through, where they ship your items in a tube. This would also be usefull if you're in a scavenging ship and you could set up system where you could dock your ship and the pipes would extract materials from the plexcontainers on the vessel and take them to an area of your choosing. There should also be a way of telling the pipes where to sort certain items, like maybe a Hub pipe/block that splits into different colored opening and you could assisgn which materials (ore,hull,systems, etc) go in each color.

    ~Retractable Bridges

    -This is for aesthetic appeal than functionality, but what if on larger ships you could have Retractable Bridges where you could extend an actual bridge that would have to already be pre-built inside the ship but can be extended with speecial blocks like a Bridge gear and Bridge Sliders to allow the bridge to move freely without attaching to blocks.


    -Clamps or Arms would provide a mechanical way of grabbing small object mainly for another idea having to do with the Impact Block (Weapons and Defense).

    ~Directional Gravity Boxes

    -Right now I've seen alot of people ask for a system for player transport if you needed to get to from point A to point B relatively quickly, and the idea that is common is trolleys or horizontal elevators of some sort. A simple way is to use the already implemented Gravity Boxes but instead make then Directional so say if you have a long hallway you could just switch your gravity to the direction of the hallway and fall down to the other end. The Boxes would have an arrow to define which way you're gravity will be focused at.

    ~Improved Minimap

    -On the map I think there should be small arrow indicators or a different symbol to show your current selected target and small arrows around your center self to show which directions you're being shot at.

    --------------Weapons and Defense---------------


    -Just.. buff the missles, mainly speed. They won't be op with the ideas below.

    ~E.M.P Generator

    -An E.M.P Generator will be made of two blocks one being the E.M.P core and the other the E.M.P Genertor blocks. They will work similar to Power Generators where they have numerous setups to increase recharge rate, but instead of recharge rate it would be the E.M.P.'s pulse direction and radius, meaning how it's built and where the concentration of blocks are pointing will determine the direction & radius of the pulse. If you built a E.M.P Generator on only on the front side of the E.M.P Core it will only send a pulse that way, but ifyou place Generator blocks all around it, it will send a pulse in all directions.
    -The E.M.P.'s Pulse would effect all systems off a ship but not always 100%. Depending on the size of the E.M.P Generator and the size of the targeted system will determine how much it is effected. Another addition would be a percentage of the systems being affected at all, larger systems being more likely.


    -Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but flares will be nesasary if missles have a major speed buff. Each flares can be shot from a single blocks and the amount of blocks together does not build up the flare at all. Instead you could put many flares that would be connected to a Flare Computer and you could group individual flares together. The flares also won't attract missles 100%, but pretty low like 5% of the time so that flares are an option, but don't completly stop missles.

    ~Impact Block

    -I know there's already an impact explosive, but what if that's removed and replaced with a Impact Block that works just like the explosive but instead of exploding it would be a system and send a signal to selected blocks. This would give the opportuniy to add many other triggered blocks like a simple explosive or newer things such as a Heat Radiating block that works much like the sun but for a short duration of time and a small radius. The Clamps (above section) would be great with this, imagine the clamps holding a large bomb on a ship with an Impact Block attached to explosives and when the ship opens the clamps the bomb detaches from the ship and uses it's kinetic energy to reach it's target.


    -A tracer dart/trail sort of laser would be nice, so you could shoot fast moving enemies or even friendlies. It wouldn't act like waypoint but instead create a visible trail of mist or particles that could let you track the ships movement.

    ~Laser Guided Missle

    -When missles get there buffs, but may be blocked often (or not) by the Flares or E.M.P there would be a new missle. It works like the dumb fire missle but instead follows a laser you shoot that looks like a beam but red instead. Once you fire the missle you keep holding down the button so the missle can follow the beam, if the button is released and the beam is no longer visible to the missle it will explode.


    ~Alarms and Horns

    -Various alarms and horns would be a nice aspect to the game. They could be activated numerous ways like attaching it to a sheilds block so when you're hit with any type of weapons it could start an alarm. When a missle is locking on to you another one could go off, and even if you wanted you could sound a horn yourself to intimidate your enemies or just give a friendly hello or goodbye to friends. There'd be so many fun possibilities with these.

    ~Flash Lights and Toggable Lights

    -In addition to the horns you could have lights flashing red (or any color you wish) inside your ship, warning you and your crew of an attack, natural hazard or any other fun (strobes). Being able to have all light toggable by detection or connection to a computer of anytype would add the the atmosphere of anything but for an example, say your ship was lit with white light inside your messhall but all of the sudden, sheilds are taking damage! They lights sudden turn off and a red lights start flashing as a siren blares to warn any and all crew to man the battle stations!

    ~Table Map

    -Someone has probably suggested this before, but I'm not sure they've mentioned a table map with a customizable size. First off the map will be like a colored hologram of the current solar system you are in or a cluster of solar systems in the nearby area, appearing like how it is when you zoom out a certain amount in-game. The table will be customizble by size in square dimensions from a minimum to a maximum, say 3x3 being the min. and 9x9 being the max (all one block height). The map will be in a fixed with the north pointing to the north always, but you will be able to walk around it and see different perspectives off the map.

    ~Message Board

    -I'm not talking about the faction or server message boxes/section, but instead it would be like the table map, having a customizable size with a min. and max. (1x1 - 9x9) that would display on a wall. I would use the first page of a logbook and display that text on the board.


    ~Astroid Fields

    -Astroid Fields would be hazardous to travel through, being able to damage hull straight through sheilds but valuable loot would be contained there (whenever the current pirate loot and such is nerfed). A computer would be specific in detecting natural hazards like a asteroid fields and then sun and could be used to sound alarms lights and sirens like those mentioned in the above section.

    ~Planets Sizes

    -Instead of planets being basically the same size (not sure if they vary any) they would have distinct size differences. You could find a planet maybe only 100 blocks long or maybe one even twice the current size.

    ~Shooting Stars

    -Shooting stars would have highspeed but low mass and either come from asteroid fields or randomly generate. Different varieties would be seen like one mades of ice materials, alien materials, rock or deserts(why not). They would have decent loot in them too, if you can harvest them without touching them, since on impact to any block would cause them to shatter/explode destroying all itself.


    ~Charge Batteries (Not sure if these completely makes sense)

    -A new block that would store power and could be group into large tanks, the power in these blocks could loose their power aswell, being drained but can be toggled wether or not the current ship/station could actually take power from it. Different forms of obtaining and using power would have to be added like Solar Panels and maybe nifty things like a generator you can build within a ship to harvest its power moving through space (idk).



    -Laboratories have to to with researching and finding recipes for certain blocks. You'd have to take a block and put it through tests in different machines and it would tell you how many more of that material, and how many more of other materials around the same tier, you would need to discover that recipe. Of course there's probably many different ways a laboratory could be used to discover recipes but I want see what all of you can come up with it because it should be a fairly complicated and difficult procces to do in order to obtain a single recipe, since I don't agree with buying a recipe (seems cheap).
    Jun 24, 2013
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    0 this the revolution of suggestions 2013 oO their power level is too stronk...
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    I really like every one of these ideas!

    But i really like the tracers idea. It reminds me of the Strike Suit Zero/Infinity ally tracers and when those are is really pretty.
    Jul 23, 2013
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    Glad everyone\'s liking them so far, I\'m probably going to update this later with a few more.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    it would be interesting to see if we could connect flares or EMP generators to BOBBY units so if it detects a missile within a certain radius it triggers either one as an automatic counter-measure
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Sounds like missiles could become something like combat wasps from the book reality dysfunction.