Irritating gravity-changing and not being to find friends.

    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I love this game. It's so fun playing with friends and building spaceships, exploring new planets, fighting pirates and pimping out your spaceship(s), but there is two things i want to point out.

    The changing of gravity/wich way your character is. I was playing starmade, trying to reach a planet that was close to me without a spaceship. Suddenly my character was turned upside down, and i got really disoriented. It would work better if you could turn your character like you can turn/roll your spaceship, instead of the game suddenly turning you upside down, back to front or whatever, automaticly.

    Disappearing friends. I was again playing starmade, connecting to my friends' local server. We played for some time, building a spaceship each. We were going to explore som new planets and find some pirates, when we suddenly lost eachother, and it was almost impossible finding eachother again. We tried navigating with the numbers on each sector, but it didn't work. Maybe there can be added a friendtracker or something so it'll be easier to locate your friends so you can actually play the game together.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Look at the navigation menu you can set costum waypoints so get your friends to tell you there location set a custom waypoint and fly there simple as
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I agree on the point that players should be able to roll in space of their own accord, and not be immedietely oriented to the nearest gravity (or, in the middle of space, some direction which applies to all players).

    On finding friends: When you say that using the sector numbers didn\'t work, do you mean that you were all in the same sector, and still couldn\'t find each other? If so, that\'s very strange, as you should have shown up on each other\'s radar before then.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    I think he means he couldnt find them from navigating from sector to sector by just looking at the number on the GUI