First, that looks like a dick. Seriously. Thats a dick.. Should name that planet Dick Planet (+10 points if its in the Anus system)
Second. Going off the original definition of irony (cause now the internet operates off of what definition can be googled faster) That's not even somewhat ironic, just a rather interesting happening. It would be ironic if this game was meant to be the complete opposite of minecraft, and then found something that the game generated that could be minecraft related. And as much as I dislike minecraft they are still massively similar games.
Lastly, its the internet. People can express whatever opinions they want. You can go try to be like someone like Anita Sarkeesian (just an example don't go crazy) and just ban anyone with an opposite opinion to you. Or you can man the fuck up. Personally I learned to make better post by people telling me how stupid I am. I'm not saying you have to agree with popular opinion, but posting a picture of a dick and saying "haha get it.... minecraft.... haha" is stupid.
(basically mushroomfleet)
So let me do you a favor. What you just did was completely stupid. Please learn from it and good luck on your journey through the internet.
Edit: Take what I said a little light-hearted. I like to be slightly abrasive when making jokes. This post is my legitimate criticism, but dont think i'm trying to make you out to be some scum of the internet.