Instant Action


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Weapons are now working how they should. This means WAY better dogfights vs AI.
    I propose a second single player option that creates a new universe with no 'roids, planets or stations. Essentially using a local battle mode server. This playmode just spawns in increasingly larger and smarter wings of Isanth fighters. Between each round you get a chance to pick a new Isanth Zero to use for yourself. Most veteran fighter pilots should be able to get and maintain a 12:1 kill ratio.

    Example path using Player chosen Isanth Zero vs AI controlled Isanth VIs:
    Round 1 Fight 1 Normal AI
    -1 fighter
    Round 1 Fight 2 Normal AI
    -2 fighters
    Round 1 Fight 3 Normal AI
    -3 fighters (Wing leader using a Zero variant)
    Round 1 Fight 4 Hard AI
    -1 fighter
    Round 1 Fight 5 Hard AI
    -2 fighters
    Round 1 Fight 6 Hard AI
    -3 fighters (Wing leader using a Zero variant)
    12 total fighters eliminated by round's end.

    For round two things get tweaked towards the AIs' favor, better aiming and eventual access to full wings of Isanth Zeros. But all of it sticks to standard blueprints. Die or exit the game and it all resets back to round one fight one. The lack of shield chargers makes the whole exercise that much more challenging. Between rounds your inventory gets blanked out as well. Not even a helmet. Block harvesting and build mode should also be disabled to avoid exploit attempts. Build battles should really be the realm of the thunderdomes and the like.

    This should really just be a User Vs AI setup where the player gets a chance to show their mettle. Especially useful if it runs Offline on low spec machines. That way you can play even if you can't build. Just know if you make it to round 5 fight 6 you'll be up against the very best the AI can throw at you. Three Ace pilots with flawless aim in the best ships available. If I could write this as a mission I'd stuff in a happy little easter egg at the end. Just to make it worth the trip.
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    Reactions: Mariux and DrTarDIS