Inherit docked power

    Sep 5, 2013
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    I’ve been trying to create more modular ships that add an extra level of realism with their design. As such, I’ve been creating separate engines, power reactors, and anything else that seems practical, then docking them together. Thus you have a ship with an actual engine compartment, power room, what have you.

    It seems as though my latest design attempt has run into a limitation with the docking system. Let me explain: based on the fact that a turret will draw power from the main ship in order to fire its weapons, I’ve worked under the assumption that any docked entity will draw power from anything in the chain above it to which it’s docked. On the other hand, nothing in the chain above a docked entity can draw power from something docked to it.

    Thus, when I create a ship using my new modular ideas, there is the main hull, which has power reactors docked to it, which has thrusters docked to them. All I have to do at that point is turn on “inherit thrust from docked entities” and away I go. Except my premise turns out to be wrong. The main ship is indeed inheriting the thrust from the docked thrusters, but the thrusters aren’t drawing power from the docked power reactors in the chain above it. They are instead trying to draw power from the main ship, which doesn’t draw power from the reactors below it in the docking chain.

    I didn’t realize that this was the case in the past because I was using docked reactors with energy beams transferring power to the main hull. I’d always thought that the thrusters were draining power directly from the docked reactors, and any extra power was being transferred to the main ship, but it seems (now) that I was just lucky.

    So, here’s my question: would it be possible to change the manner in which all entities draw power to match my premise above, as with turrets? If there is some exploit that this would create I could understand it not working this way, but it seems quite natural to have it work as suggested otherwise. Thanks.
    Mar 2, 2014
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    I'm pretty sure it's possible and I would really like it, if docked ships could power their thrusters themselves. But if docked thrusters could draw power from their own entity, this would circumvent the power soft-cap. Above a certain ship size docked thrusters were mandatory to stay competitive.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    Yeah it becomes a way to circumvent power soft cap pretty quickly. Which is why this isnt a thing right now.


    Jan 19, 2014
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    Do you want docked reactors back, but better? Implement this!


    Totaly not an alt, btw join Vaygr XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Jul 24, 2016
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    So basically bring back docked power reactors?

    No thank you
    Nov 1, 2014
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    I want to see improvements allowing modular design but I don't think docking as it exists now is the right way to do it. Maybe we could get a different type of docking system where upon docking the dock blocks are replaced with hull and the two entities are permanently merged into one.


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    I’ve been trying to create more modular ships that add an extra level of realism with their design. As such, I’ve been creating separate engines, power reactors, and anything else that seems practical, then docking them together. Thus you have a ship with an actual engine compartment, power room, what have you
    A while ago I started down the modular path myself, but the inherited thrust was not available. Plus the power and shields only inheriting one way didn't quite work for me. Now the whole docked power reactor thing not being a thing I kinda dropped the whole idea.
    I have a whole bunch of ship components, interchangeable engines, power cores, and other bits and pieces just doing nothing.

    I would be happy with a bi-directional control over thrust, power and shields when it comes to docked entities. It would be nice to have the same connect ability the storage does with rails, but for an umbilical to control thrust, power, shields or whatever. Actually, I think I mentioned the umbilical a while back.
    I'm pretty sure it's possible and I would really like it, if docked ships could power their thrusters themselves. But if docked thrusters could draw power from their own entity, this would circumvent the power soft-cap. Above a certain ship size docked thrusters were mandatory to stay competitive.
    I can't see an exploit for thrusters, because of mass. If you keep increasing the total mass it should be difficult to exploit. But then again, people are resourceful, more so in this community! ;)
    I want to see improvements allowing modular design but I don't think docking as it exists now is the right way to do it. Maybe we could get a different type of docking system where upon docking the dock blocks are replaced with hull and the two entities are permanently merged into one.
    Yeah, the whole collision argument comes into play here. The merging would help.
    Yeah it becomes a way to circumvent power soft cap pretty quickly. Which is why this isnt a thing right now.
    Yeah, it's a shame really. What I wanted to do is have no power onboard. That way, if the docked power was attacked or undocked it would take out power to the ship.
    I wanted a kind of realistic way to disable power. I want the same for shields and thrust also.
    Dec 28, 2014
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    Do you want docked reactors back, but better?
    Improving on design so people can actually make modular ships is way better than gutting the notion completely and never talking about it again. this game is all about freedom right? or so that's what people tell me.
    Mar 2, 2014
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    Ideally, entities docked with rails or rail rotators would share power, shields and maybe even armor/system HP and defensive effects, they'd basically count as a single entity. That would open up endless possibilities for modular design. I prefer keeping self-powered turrets, though.


    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    I really don't think static entities should really be a thing on rails. I'd lean towards just having better template support and tools.
    Aug 23, 2016
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    I can't see an exploit for thrusters, because of mass. If you keep increasing the total mass it should be difficult to exploit. But then again, people are resourceful, more so in this community! ;)
    Doesn't mass only affect acceleration up to a certain limit, beyond which it doesn't change? That was my understanding (I'm ready to be corrected).


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    Doesn't mass only affect acceleration up to a certain limit, beyond which it doesn't change? That was my understanding (I'm ready to be corrected).
    Acceleration and max speed.
    Jun 1, 2015
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    Improving on design so people can actually make modular ships is way better than gutting the notion completely and never talking about it again. this game is all about freedom right? or so that's what people tell me.
    what has been told is irrelevant ^^
    it is what has been done that counts

    that freedom is awesome .. to bad everytime I see something to have fun with (one of them was docked reactors) it gets taken out


    Carebear Extraordinaire!
    Mar 18, 2015
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    I want to see improvements allowing modular design but I don't think docking as it exists now is the right way to do it. Maybe we could get a different type of docking system where upon docking the dock blocks are replaced with hull and the two entities are permanently merged into one.
    Forge Welding


    Me, myself and I.
    Mar 12, 2015
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    I meant: doesn't its effect get capped at some point, beyond which it doesn't increase? If so, that's open to exploitation.
    Ah! Yeah, you're right if they have only a soft cap.

    It would be interesting if you could exploit thrust that way, but with mass taking a direct opposing effect you would have to build ridiculously huge docked engines.

    Oh and servers usually have a speed limit.