Ingame ships schematics and repair/build ship

    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Something I believe is a bit annoying is that after an insane battle with some pirates some of your blocks are destroyed, so a believe than a cool game mechanic could be some sort of block or item that save the shape and map the block in an instance of your ship, with something like that later in the game (when trade is able) trade your ship schematic with other players or make some sort of ghostly image of your ship to reassemble it.

    Also this mechanic could be accomplish with another Module that connect with the FlexStorage and take out the blocks to build/rebuild the destroyed blocks in the schematic shape and it could be activated like the other weapons adding another combat mechanic :D ...

    Maybe it could be a lot of coding D: but it could be very cool :D
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    That sounds good! Then the repair beam can repair the hull of a ship if the repairee has a Plex Storage filled with hull blocks. The ships core could store the schematic to use with the repair beam. In build mode, the player can press a button to save the schematic to the core.