Improvements in Game Balance

    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I started playing just about a week ago and so far I LOVE the idea of starmade. I did come up with some suggestions though that I think would really beef-up it's awesomeness and help balance it.

    1) Signs: nice and simple; I like to label things. It would be fun to move through out a ship or space station and see the areas labeled or have signs pointing you to various things. I imagin something akin to holographic letters floating above a surface with some form of emitter.

    2) Door frames: The way the current doors work is pretty handy and I like that you can make it any size, however when they are open you don't know there is a door there unless you're close enough. I would like to see some type of door frame that still remains after it is opened.

    3) Power Distribution Computer / Power Relays: This idea stems from improving game balance in terms of ship size. To start, just a power unit would be enough to run your ship up to a set mass / volume. Once the max is hit no matter how much power you can produce, sections of your ship will not receive power. Adding a Power distribution computer and Power relays, you can route power though out your ship. This could then allow you to dump more power into systems that might need it. On the flip side, it would mean larger ships become more expensive and at risk of losing power to whole sections if the relays are damaged.

    4) Negative effects for larger systems: Once again more balancing ideas. As weapon arrays (or any system) grow larger have their power needs increase on a non-linear scale. For example you could have a huge weapons array that does massive amounts of damage, but it takes 10 times as much power then a system 3/4 the size.

    5) Shields effected by ship mass / volume: Currently the shields just scale in terms of the number of disperser units attached to the ship. This means people can just stack more and more units on with no loss in effectiveness. It would balance the game more if the shields needed more power or would lose Total Damage Absorbed as the ship became larger. This would mean to have the same protection 3 units would give you on a small ship, a larger ship may need 4 or 5.
    Jun 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    actually your wrong on a few points.

    Power distribution and such isnt that great an idea for this game, power as it is is very hard to get right.

    guns do increase power drain the bigger they are. and there are enough draw backs for bigger ships, turn speed and power drain for movement being the major ones. same as cloaking and jamming are near impossible on huge ships due to mass and power regen.

    and with shields the more you have VS power regen the slower they recharge that being a draw back.

    a well made behemoth should be OP its the reward for good design.

    that \"ballances\" as you call them in my mind are complete rebuilds of the current system that would imo actually make it more difficult to build good ships and not give any real benefit to whats in at the moment.

    the game its self is already pretty well ballanced.
    i think the Devs should spend their time in adding new content and bug fixing rather then reworking the whole mechanics that atm work and work well.