Ideas in general

    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    Well, this is my first post on the forum. I've played StarMade extensively for the past while and after reading what was planned and some suggestions, as well as from experience, I thought I'd make a few suggestions.

    Shipyards, first off. Perhaps they should start out as a core block, like a station or ship, but stationary. You could then build a yard however you please, with storage and spots for ships to dock, etc. Then there should be a Crane block or some sort of magnet, like in a junkyard, whereby you can shift ships that dock. It would move on some type of Rail block, like the arcade game where you pick up stuffed animals. It would be able to move ships like so: for every magnet / crane block attached, it could move 100 more blocks. It would also be able to pick up and move ship Modules by the same scaling factor.

    Modules would have another core block that make the structure attached to them movable only by crane blocks. Attaching modules to a ship core or to architecture that's attached to a ship core (Ship skeleton, etc) would, much like docking turrets does, add on the module's attributes to the total ship. These modules could be taken off and reattached as necessary.

    Modules would introduce interesting elements of planning; you could have a main engine module, an energy module, a cannon module, whatever kinda module you wanted.

    Essentially, it's a shore-side dock, with the cranes and the storage and everything, just in space.


    As for regular ship components, I think that for turrets, there should be blocks that restrict movement to certain axes / blocks. For example, on a U.S. battleship, the main cannon housing rotates around the vertical axis (Swivel side to side) and the cannons themselves rotate on the horizontal axis (I.e. aim up and down). I think there should be something implemented to that effect; it would enable "turntables" so to speak, and creative players could potentially come up with something truly amazing.

    I would talk about what kind of weapons I would suggest, but Schema's plans are unrevealed to me, so I'll hold off on those. What I will say is that the computers for weapons should be able to be programmed for fire rate, damage, velocity, et cetera. (Within reasonable limits of course). Another thing I'd like is being able to add enhancers to a computer to increase the effectiveness of that weapon. There would be reasonable limits on this of course; the main reason I say this is because I noticed turrets have to be actual small ships in order to really accomplish anything. I'd like to have smaller guns more suited for dealing with very fast opponents.

    The last thing I want is drones. Essentially, it'd be a Bobby that, if there isn't a target, goes back to where it was docked. Maybe there'd be a size limit on how many blocks you could use in them. (Although I suppose if you took the time to build a fleet of capital ships and are using them as drones, you really earned it)

    That's all the suggestions I have. Feedback and counter-suggestions / supporting suggestions are welcome.
    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Shipyards, eehh, youd be adding a few non-necessary items, like the crane idea, meh, and also, you have naturally spawning space stations that are basically shipyards..

    now, for the \"jointed\" weapon, that idea i like a lot, that idea would work fantastically, if you could turn around and fire, rather than having to turn your whole ship, that idea i support.

    And drones have been suggested before, which i would completely back up, if there was a way to balance them.. people would abuse them, and send them out into space to see if its safe. now, people say that it would cancel out self exploration, and everything will be done by drones, and people would be able to just avoid pirates..wo which i say: isnt that the whole point of drones? we send out drones to see if its safe so we dont put our lives in danger? thats the whole point, so i back up your idea on drones as well

    It would also be cool to be able to make very expensive missles that the other ship could shoot at and explode before it reaches them