Ideas for Starmade!

    Jun 24, 2013
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    Hello, Im Mattizzle

    Been playing starmade non stop for the past week, absolutely hooked! just an amazing game!

    Over the time I have been playing though the amount of ideas that have passed through my head are insane and I hope that some of the ideas I have are at least thought of and it would be amazing if they are implemented!

    1. Sideways docking for example a tube that goes from a ship to a spacestaion where you can walk along like you see in some movies and tv shows. A good way of doing this could be magnets that you put on the ship and the docking area(tube). This is a good image to describe what I mean:

    2. NPCs on planets hostile and friendly that you can trade, ally and become enemies with!

    3. Escape pod, push a button while in flight mode and you go into you escape pod which jettisons out and heads to the nearest shop!

    4. The shop needs a refit, or maybe have variety of different shapes for shops but keep a distinct feature that will allow you to identify it but what I was thinking is maybe have docking areas and a space to walk around inside with its own gravity that is automated (like planets) but still have the feature as it where you just have to be near and push B but to enchance that you could have a transmission with a small box and a portrait of the NPC of the shop which can be randomly generated with either just text or some dialog to make it more immersive.

    These are just a few of my ideas, please leave a comment on these ideas and add any of your own and if you like these ideas get the word out for mine and for yours so it can hopefully be implemented!

    Happy Ship building and Universe exploring! ;)

    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I too am new, however, you might not have realized this, but there is a forum section specifically for suggestions. I myself am never concerned with this as much, but many others pride themselves on enforcing this. So I thought I would be the first to politely explain that there is a suggestions forum, where this would be better.

    In response to your suggestions though:

    1. There are three factors that affect this that I think may make this impossible. The docking modules aren\'t very customzable in determining how the ship connects to it. Hopefully in the future a ship will have an exterior block designated to meet any docking modules. Also, since exiting the ship is still kind of broken, you cannot control exiting into the tube. Lastly, because of the custom shape of ships, there is no way to predict how every ship will dock, and where their exits will be. This makes it impossible to make a docking station work, unless it simply docks the ship any which way and then teleports them into the tube. Its crude, but it works. Im sure its more complicated than that, but I agree, that effect would be awesome.

    2. I\'m always game for more NPC\'s and NPC interaction. I also want the planets to become more interesting to explore and interact with.

    3. Escape Module: Sounds pretty awesome. I would still always go down with the ship.

    4. A more asthetically pleasing shop sounds awesome. I\'m sure it will get there.

    Keep up the good ideas, and make sure to post them in the suggestions forum so more people know where to find them.
    Jun 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the Escape pod idea, but what i think is very important in this game- from what i have experimented with, 50km is the top speed you can get in this game, that is insanely stupid... ships should go tops of 500km i say... or at least increase the cap to 100, and a special module called FTL drive, which works in the hotbar like ship modules, and when activated, you travel 500km but only for a limited time (uses alot of energy)

    yes, yes, i know that 500km isnt FTL but this game is clearly downsized and simple compared to real space.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I would like to see a new structure able to be made: the stargate.

    Some would be found floating randomly in space, but they would be \'unassigned\', or lack a control block altogether.

    Stargates would be multiblock structures with a control block. The control block can be assigned to a particular variable with password, so as to link two gates (and only two gates) together.

    The two gates must be identical in size, and (when powered and linked) display a field on the interior of the rings. When a ship\'s core comes in contact with the field, it is teleported (just as with the TP command) to a position just in front of the other gate, with its velocity set to 0 to prevent flying back through by accident.

    (If a ship is too big to fit the ship\'s core through the ring, it won\'t go through.)

    Gates would be stationary (the control block should be immovable), to prevent these being towed all over.

    Expanding upon this, a new ship block (maybe called a Gate Point Relay), can allow a ship to teleport BACK to a given stargate, but not transport back out (one way trip home). To prevent abuse, have the ship block have a timer to build up power when nothing else is powered during that time.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Actually the speed limit can be increased, it\'s a server side setting, though from what I understand the game gets a bit jittery if you up it too high...
    Jun 23, 2013
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    signs would be super awesome because I never know whats insaide my storage units... ._.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    i like all those ideas as well maybe add station redesign in there? so that power segments are actually attached and such. and maybe add plex storage with loot inside? i know sounds like minecraft but itd probably give more incentive to go looking for stations. also maybe make the catalogs downloading process a little more user friendly so that those of us with lesser technical skills can also download ships and not have to ask others to odo it for them
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Well, the suggestion forum at present is a bit iffy. Lots of gunk that needs to be waded through. Perhaps in part due to yogscast recently finding this game, we\'ve gotten an influx of new people, which unfortunately comes with an influx of people who don\'t always look for suggestions before posting them.

    i.e. there are probably about 50 suggestions for some form of warp mechanic by now.

    Presently, my two suggestion threads are one relating to core health, and one relating to two different things in one (I figured I should save forum space); a (non-warp) engine suggestion and a item tier suggestion.

    Long story short for core health mechanics, making it such that ship health takes damage each time a block is destroyed would shift emphasis away from \"ATTACK THE CORE!!!1!1\" to \"target the engines and likely location of power blocks!\" For the other one, the idea is to make engine design a bit more involved so as to give ship handling, acceleration, and speed attributes a very real basis on the ship designs, allowing for more interesting combat. And of course, making it quite interesting for potentially setting up racing events (do you want a ship that accelerates and turns quickly, or one with a higher top speed and improved sideways-movement systems? It can really depend on the race\'s specific setup).

    Item tiers, well, we basically have it already for one item: armor. We have the normal and hardened armor, the latter of which can be considered \"tier 2.\" If you want to see some of my arguments for the benefits of applying this further, you can check the linked thread.
    Jun 30, 2013
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    These are all really good ideas and I also got an idea that should also be implemented too! How about TRANSMISSION BLOCKS! I think that would be a really good idea for communication between the pirates, and distress calls from the guildies or something. But a downside is that they cost alot of money and power to operate it. And you would need certain blocks to make it work like a beacon or something like that to get transmissions. I hope you guys love the idea!
    Jun 28, 2013
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    would it send out a sort of ping that says \"hey guys come over here\"? Maybe also be able to ping locations, so if you find a station you can just ping that spot so everyone in your faction/game (depending on if there will be a limitation setting like with blueprints) can see it. Love the idea though!
    Jul 12, 2013
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    I like the excape pod idea and also they should add an attach module witch u can have mechs on your ships then press a button then the mech detaches
    Jun 28, 2013
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    turrets can be detached from the ship core menu (press \"t\"), It would be more interesting if you could remotely change what they are when you do it though (detach turret>turret comes off of mothership>turret gets \"reprogrammed\" into friendly AI fighter>suddenly have small fleet).
    Jun 28, 2013
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    Remember this is still alpha, finer details and things will most likely be added then.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I would like to see rail guns introduced , in my mid they would be a turret weapon designed to fir projectiles over a long distande and obviously at extreme speed. I would like to seem them do damage to shields and blocks , just as antimatter cannons do but be more practical in range and power than them in the small confines of a turret , also I think a variety of weapons would improve the game. Any suggestions would be welcome , im not sure if this is the right thread or if it has already been suggested but thanks anywayy
    Oct 16, 2013
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    What I would like to see in the game is a new model and animations because even when your on a planet or using a gravity unit you just glide around on the floor.
    Oct 16, 2013
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    Also some more personal weapons like different teirs starting with the normal pistol and then upgrading to something better the best would be an assault rifle type gun doing 20 dammage.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I would like to have the planets a little more sphereical and it would be great to add a warp drive block that when used it warps you to diferent stars
    Aug 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    There are so many ideas i have, can you have people on different planets, like the planets that have city\'s long abandoned, so you can trade recourses and stuff.

    Another thing that has been going through my mind is, I want it to be very prett. I know that it\'s kind of a tuffy but it would be great.

    Also It would be awesome if you improved the pirate space stations to be more intimidating like at the top right of the screen pops up a man (pirate) telling us to leave before they attack. When they do atack when you don\'t listen they have a 10 maned ship that is a desent size that tries to kill you.

    One more thing you should add black holes into the game.
    Oct 16, 2013
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    I also think there should be more weapons for the ships there\'s too many missiles if you ask me there should be more weapons similar to the cannons also there should be pirate npcs in the pirate station each one holding a laser gun or (another idea Melea weapons) a Melea weapon. Also maybe some animals the planets are just boring they all look very abandoned.