Ideas: Core- System, Hull-System, R&D

    Jul 10, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2

    I hate the fact, that the Core is the origin of the Spacecraft. What we need is the Core (better: Controlchair) to just be a part you can Enter to fly your Ship. The first part of the Ship should be replaced by a Hull block, wich can be replaced in build mode. The Marker (The Think tha can be hidden by a Jammer...) Should just be at the Center of Mass.

    Maybe you could implement a System like Scanners to locate Weapons and their Computers. (And we need Backup Computers... The Ability to connect multpible Computers with one Weapon Block.)


    Schema, simple Thing!

    Please rename them to Cameras xD (or combine them with my Controlchair Idea)

    This is because they dont Act as Cokpits, but as Cameras xD

    Hull / Armor:

    So basicly Hull is useless these day...

    I've seen some great Ideas on this forum and i just have to add a little Idea:

    What do you think about regenerative Armour? Maybe as an Block behind the Armour wich does permanently repair the Amour in a specific Area? Not very Powerful and very Energy consumpting?


    We need Research and Development (Ok im playing to much KSP...) in this Game. I don't like the fact, that you can buy everything you want in shops... And it's also a bad idea to need Thousands of an Item to produce it's Blueprint? Maybe a Research Block to create Blueprints and improve them? A Tech tree?

    So now it's your turn to tell me what you think about this stuff?

    Greetings Jan / Oninoni
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Most of what you suggested was better implimented/detailed in my thread, by the way.

    The removal of the ship core is an interesting idea, but you didn\'t really suggest an alternative. Just killing the captain\'s chair? The problem with that is it\'s still a ship core, just renamed and put in a different spot.

    Regen hull? That\'s pretty much just farscape style shields.

    The research system is a good idea, but again, I feel as if I have a better idea on how it could work.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    You want no single-point of complete failure (main block), correct?

    What we really need is not a hull-regenerator (a 1-shot-killed hull segment is beyond repair anyway), but something between shields and current hull blocks.